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Study with us
The BEC Center offers courses and thesis projects for the
Master Degree in Physics
of the University of Trento
(Laurea Magistrale in Fisica).
We propose projects for Master Theses in the following areas:
- Experiments with ultracold atoms
- Theory of ultracold atoms, quantum gases and fluids, superfluidity
- Topological phases of matter
- Quantum optics and theory of photonic systems
- Quantum simulations and quantum computing
All professors and researchers of the BEC Center can be Thesis advisors. In particular
- experiments: Gabriele Ferrari, Giacomo Lamporesi, Alessandro Zenesini
- theory: Iacopo Carusotto, Franco Dalfovo, Stefano Giorgini, Philipp Hauke, Chiara Menotti, Alessio Recati
If you want to work in our experimental laboratory for your thesis, this is the plan of study
that we suggest you:
- Experimental Methods (Stefano Vitale)
- Quantum Mechanics, Fields and Symmetries (Winfried Leidemann)
- Atomic Physics (Gabriele Ferrari)
- Statistical Mechanics (Raffaello Potestio)
- Experimental Physics (Mario Scotoni)
- Ultracold Atoms (Giacomo Lamporesi)
- Quantum Optics (Iacopo Carusotto)
- Quantum Gases, Superfluidity and Superconductivity (Stefano Giorgini)
- Quantum Computing (Philipp Hauke)
- Laboratory of Advanced Electronics (Leonardo Ricci)
- two more courses chosen from those in the table "Insegnamenti caratterizzanti a scelta vincolata" in the "Manifesto degli studi", belonging to FIS/03 or FIS/04: Solid State Physics I; Condensed Matter Theory; Physics of Disordered Systems; Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics; Quantum Theories of Multiparticle Systems; Astroparticle Physics; Fundamental Interactions.
- one more course at free choice
If instead you want to work in our theoretical group for your thesis, this is the plan of study
that we suggest you:
- Experimental Methods (Stefano Vitale)
- Quantum Mechanics, Fields and Symmetries (Winfried Leidemann)
- Atomic Physics (Gabriele Ferrari)
- Statistical Mechanics (Raffaello Potestio)
- Computational Physics (Francesco Pederiva)
- Ultracold Atoms (Giacomo Lamporesi)
- Quantum Optics (Iacopo Carusotto)
- Quantum Gases, Superfluidity and Superconductivity (Stefano Giorgini)
- Quantum Computing (Philipp Hauke)
- two more courses chosen from those in the table "Insegnamenti caratterizzanti a scelta vincolata" in the "Manifesto degli studi", belonging to FIS/03 or FIS/04: Solid State Physics I; Condensed Matter Theory; Physics of Disordered Systems; Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics; Quantum Theories of Multiparticle Systems; Astroparticle Physics; Fundamental Interactions.
- two more course at free choice (suggested: Quantum Field Theory I)
The BEC Center also offers projects for PhD Theses in the framework of the
Doctoral Programme of the
Department of Physics.
The following are examples of recent PhD theses completed in our group:
Elia Macaluso (2020), Probing Quasihole and Edge Excitations of Atomic and Photonic Fractional Quantum Hall Systems
Miki Ota (2020), Sound propagation in dilute Bose gases
Carmelo Mordini (2019), Measurement of the density profile of quantized vortices and of the equation of state in a 3D interacting Bose gas
Matteo Barbiero (2019), Novel techniques for a Strontium Optical Lattice Clock"
Luca Parisi (2019), Mixtures of ultracold Bose gases in one dimension: A Quantum Monte Carlo study
Fabrizio Larcher (2018), Dynamical excitations in low-dimensional condensates: sound, vortices and quenched dynamics
Giacomo Colzi (2018), A new apparatus to simulate fundamental interactions with ultracold atoms
Eleonora Fava (2018), Static and dynamics properties of a miscible two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
José Lebreuilly (2017), Strongly correlated quantum fluids and effective thermalization in non-Markovian driven-dissipative photonic systems
Giulia De Rosi (2017), Collective oscillations of a trapped atomic gas in low dimensions and thermodynamics of one-dimensional Bose gas
Simone Serafini (2017), Dynamics of Vortices and their Interactions in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Simone Donadello (2016), Observation of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a bosonic gas
Grazia Salerno (2016), Artificial gauge fields in photonics and mechanical systems
Alberto Sartori (2016), Dynamical properties of Bose-Bose Mixtures
Luis A. Peña Ardila (2015), Impurities in a Bose-Einstein condensate using quantum Monte-Carlo methods: ground-state properties
Nicola Bartolo (2014), Matter Waves in Reduced Dimensions: Dipolar-Induced Resonances and Atomic Artificial Crystals
Giovanni Italo Martone (2014), Static and dynamic properties of spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
Zou Peng (2014), Mean-field theory for the dynamics of superfluid fermions in the BCS-BEC crossover
Hou Yan-Hua (2013), Two-fluid Hydrodynamics of a quasi-1D unitary Fermi gas
Marco Larcher (2013), Localization and spreading of matter waves in disordered potentials
Natalia Matveeva (2013), Study of dynamic and ground-state properties of dipolar Fermi gases using mean-field and quantum Monte Carlo methods