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Bose-Einstein Condensation

Trento, Italy

Publications @ BEC










  1. Progress toward a zero-magnetic-field environment for ultracold-atom experiments
    Rogora, C.; Cominotti, R.; Baroni, C.; Andreoni, D.; Lamporesi, G.; Zenesini, A. and Ferrari, G.
    Physical Review A 110 013319 (2024) arxiv.2404.19565.
  2. Ultracold atomic spin mixtures in ultrastable magnetic field environments
    Cominotti, Riccardo; Rogora, Chiara; Zenesini, Alessandro; Lamporesi, Giacomo and Ferrari, Gabriele
    Europhysics Letters 146 45001 (2024) arxiv.2402.16657.
  3. False vacuum decay via bubble formation in ferromagnetic superfluids
    Zenesini, Alessandro; Berti, Anna; Cominotti, Riccardo; Rogora, Chiara; Moss, Ian G.; Billam, Thomas P.; Carusotto, Iacopo; Lamporesi, Giacomo; Recati, Alessio and Ferrari, Gabriele
    Nature Physics 20 558 (2024) arxiv.2305.05225.


  1. Ferromagnetism in an Extended Coherently Coupled Atomic Superfluid
    Cominotti, R.; Berti, A.; Dulin, C.; Rogora, C.; Lamporesi, G.; Carusotto, I.; Recati, A.; Zenesini, A. and Ferrari, G.
    Physical Review X 13 021037 (2023) arxiv.2209.13235.


  1. Hyperfine dependent atom-molecule loss analyzed by the analytic solution of few-body loss equations
    Voges, Kai K.; Gersema, Philipp; Hartmann, Torsten; Ospelkaus, Silke and Zenesini, Alessandro
    Physical Review Research 4 023184 (2022) arxiv.2109.03605.
  2. Observation of Massless and Massive Collective Excitations with Faraday Patterns in a Two-Component Superfluid
    Cominotti, R.; Berti, A.; Farolfi, A.; Zenesini, A.; Lamporesi, G.; Carusotto, I.; Recati, A. and Ferrari, G.
    Physical Review Letters 128 210401 (2022) arxiv.2112.09880.
  3. Measurement of the order parameter and its spatial fluctuations across Bose-Einstein condensation
    Wolswijk, Louise; Mordini, Carmelo; Farolfi, Arturo; Trypogeorgos, Dimitrios; Dalfovo, Franco; Zenesini, Alessandro; Ferrari, Gabriele and Lamporesi, Giacomo
    Physical Review A 105 033316 (2022) arxiv.2201.08569.


  1. Quantum-torque-induced breaking of magnetic interfaces in ultracold gases
    Farolfi, A.; Zenesini, A.; Trypogeorgos, D.; Mordini, C.; Gallemí, A.; Roy, A.; Recati, A.; Lamporesi, G. and Ferrari, G.
    Nature Physics 17 1359 (2021) arxiv.2011.04271.
  2. Probing Photoinduced Two-Body Loss of Ultracold Nonreactive Bosonic Na 23 Rb 87 and Na 23 K 39 Molecules
    Gersema, Philipp; Voges, Kai K.; Meyer zum Alten Borgloh, Mara; Koch, Leon; Hartmann, Torsten; Zenesini, Alessandro; Ospelkaus, Silke; Lin, Junyu; He, Junyu and Wang, Dajun
    Physical Review Letters 127 163401 (2021) arxiv.2103.00510.
  3. Manipulation of an elongated internal Josephson junction of bosonic atoms
    Farolfi, A.; Zenesini, A.; Cominotti, R.; Trypogeorgos, D.; Recati, A.; Lamporesi, G. and Ferrari, G.
    Physical Review A 104 023326 (2021) arxiv.2101.12643.


  1. Ultracold Gas of Bosonic Na 23 K 39 Ground-State Molecules
    Voges, Kai K.; Gersema, Philipp; Meyer zum Alten Borgloh, Mara; Schulze, Torben A.; Hartmann, Torsten; Zenesini, Alessandro and Ospelkaus, Silke
    Physical Review Letters 125 083401 (2020) arxiv.2008.05439.