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Bose-Einstein Condensation

Trento, Italy

Publications @ BEC










  1. Anomalous Doppler effect in superfluid and supersolid atomic gases
    Zawiślak, Tomasz; Šindik, Marija; Stringari, Sandro and Recati, Alessio
    Arxiv None None (2024) arxiv.2408.16489.
  2. Superfluidity and sound propagation in disordered Bose gases
    Geier, Kevin T.; Maki, Jeff; Biella, Alberto; Dalfovo, Franco; Giorgini, Stefano and Stringari, Sandro
    Arxiv None None (2024) arxiv.2407.17558.
  3. Sound, Superfluidity, and Layer Compressibility in a Ring Dipolar Supersolid
    Šindik, Marija; Tomasz Zawiślak; Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 132 146001 (2024) arxiv.2308.05981.
  4. Bose–Einstein condensation
    Fallani, Leonardo; Inguscio, Massimo; Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Encyclopedia Of Condensed Matter Physics 1 68 (2024)
  5. Superfluid fraction and Leggett bound in a density-modulated strongly interacting Fermi gas at zero temperature
    Orso, G. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 109 023301 (2024) arxiv.2311.16709.


  1. Scissors modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a synthetic magnetic field
    Qu, Chunlei; Li, Chuan-Hsun; Chen, Yong P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 108 053316 (2023) arxiv.2309.02627.
  2. Supersolidity in ultracold dipolar gases
    Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Nature Reviews Physics 5 735 (2023)
  3. Superfluid Fraction in an Interacting Spatially Modulated Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Chauveau, G.; Maury, C.; Rabec, F.; Heintze, C.; Brochier, G.; Nascimbene, S.; Dalibard, J.; Beugnon, J.; Roccuzzo, S.M. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 130 226003 (2023) arxiv.2302.01776.
  4. Dynamics of Stripe Patterns in Supersolid Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose Gases
    Geier, Kevin T.; Martone, Giovanni I.; Hauke, Philipp; Ketterle, Wolfgang and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 130 156001 (2023) arxiv.2210.10064.
  5. Lev Petrovich Pitaevskii
    Liberman, Michael A.; Pokrovsky, Valery L. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physics Today 76 61 (2023)
  6. The cross-over from Townes solitons to droplets in a 2D Bose mixture
    Bakkali-Hassani, B; Maury, C; Stringari, S; Nascimbene, S; Dalibard, J and Beugnon, J
    New Journal Of Physics 25 013007 (2023) arxiv.2207.06939.


  1. Creation and robustness of quantized vortices in a dipolar supersolid when crossing the superfluid-to-supersolid transition
    Šindik, Marija; Recati, Alessio; Roccuzzo, Santo Maria; Santos, Luis and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 106 L061303 (2022) arxiv.2206.14100.
  2. Coherently Coupled Mixtures of Ultracold Atomic Gases
    Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Annual Review Of Condensed Matter Physics 13 407 (2022) arxiv.2108.10159.
  3. Supersolid edge and bulk phases of a dipolar quantum gas in a box
    Roccuzzo, S. M.; Stringari, S. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review Research 4 013086 (2022) arxiv.2104.01068.
  4. Moment of inertia and dynamical rotational response of a supersolid dipolar gas
    Roccuzzo, S. M.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 105 023316 (2022) arxiv.2112.12749.


  1. Exciting the Goldstone Modes of a Supersolid Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose Gas
    Geier, Kevin T.; Martone, Giovanni I.; Hauke, Philipp and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 127 115301 (2021) arxiv.2102.02221.
  2. Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective
    Amico, L.; Boshier, M.; Birkl, G.; Minguzzi, A.; Miniatura, C.; Kwek, L.-C.; Aghamalyan, D.; Ahufinger, V.; Anderson, D.; Andrei, N.; Arnold, A. S.; Baker, M.; Bell, T. A.; Bland, T.; Brantut, J. P.; Cassettari, D.; Chetcuti, W. J.; Chevy, F.; Citro, R.; De Palo, S.; Dumke, R.; Edwards, M.; Folman, R.; Fortagh, J.; Gardiner, S. A.; Garraway, B. M.; Gauthier, G.; Günther, A.; Haug, T.; Hufnagel, C.; Keil, M.; Ireland, P.; Lebrat, M.; Li, W.; Longchambon, L.; Mompart, J.; Morsch, O.; Naldesi, P.; Neely, T. W.; Olshanii, M.; Orignac, E.; Pandey, S.; Pérez-Obiol, A.; Perrin, H.; Piroli, L.; Polo, J.; Pritchard, A. L.; Proukakis, N. P.; Rylands, C.; Rubinsztein-Dunlop, H.; Scazza, F.; Stringari, S.; Tosto, F.; Trombettoni, A.; Victorin, N.; Klitzing, W. von; Wilkowski, D.; Xhani, K. and Yakimenko, A.
    Avs Quantum Science 3 039201 (2021) arxiv.2008.04439.
  3. Spin drag and fast response in a quantum mixture of atomic gases
    Carlini, Federico and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 104 023301 (2021) arxiv.2103.00918.
  4. Second sound seen
    Stringari, Sandro
    Nature Physics 09 June (2021)


  1. Measurement of the Canonical Equation of State of a Weakly Interacting 3D Bose Gas
    Mordini, C.; Trypogeorgos, D.; Farolfi, A.; Wolswijk, L.; Stringari, S.; Lamporesi, G. and Ferrari, G.
    Physical Review Letters 125 150404 (2020) arxiv.2003.13627.
  2. Quantized vortices in dipolar supersolid Bose-Einstein condensed gases
    Gallemì, A.; Roccuzzo, S. M.; Stringari, S. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review A 102 023322 (2020) arxiv.2005.05718.
  3. Rotating a Supersolid Dipolar Gas
    Roccuzzo, S. M.; Gallemí, A.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 124 045702 (2020) arxiv.1910.08513.


  1. Supersolid symmetry breaking from compressional oscillations in a dipolar quantum gas
    Tanzi, L.; Roccuzzo, S. M.; Lucioni, E.; Famà, F.; Fioretti, A.; Gabbanini, C.; Modugno, G.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Nature 574 382 (2019) arxiv.1906.02791.
  2. Magnetic Phase Transition in a Mixture of Two Interacting Superfluid Bose Gases at Finite Temperature
    Ota, Miki; Giorgini, Stefano and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 123 075301 (2019) arxiv.1812.07411.
  3. Decay of the relative phase domain wall into confined vortex pairs: The case of a coherently coupled bosonic mixture
    Gallemí, A.; Pitaevskii, L. P.; Stringari, S. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review A 100 023607 (2019) arxiv.1906.06237.
  4. Static-response theory and the roton-maxon spectrum of a flattened dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate
    Bisset, R. N.; Blakie, P. B. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 100 013620 (2019) arxiv.1901.04875.


  1. Collisionless Sound in a Uniform Two-Dimensional Bose Gas
    Ota, Miki; Larcher, Fabrizio; Dalfovo, Franco; Pitaevskii, Lev; Proukakis, Nick P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 121 145302 (2018) arxiv.1804.04032.
  2. Angular Momentum of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Synthetic Rotational Field
    Qu, Chunlei and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 120 183202 (2018) arxiv.1712.03545.
  3. Observation of Spin Superfluidity in a Bose Gas Mixture
    Fava, Eleonora; Bienaimé, Tom; Mordini, Carmelo; Colzi, Giacomo; Qu, Chunlei; Stringari, Sandro; Lamporesi, Giacomo and Ferrari, Gabriele
    Physical Review Letters 120 170401 (2018) arxiv.1708.03923.
  4. Second sound in a two-dimensional Bose gas: From the weakly to the strongly interacting regime
    Ota, Miki and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 97 033604 (2018) arxiv.1712.05022.
  5. Quantum Fluctuations and Gross-Pitaevskii Theory
    Stringari, S
    Journal Of Experimental And Theoretical Physics 127 7 (2018) arxiv.1805.11325.
  6. Scissors Mode of Dipolar Quantum Droplets of Dysprosium Atoms
    Ferrier-Barbut, Igor; Wenzel, Matthias; Böttcher, Fabian; Langen, Tim; Isoard, Mathieu; Stringari, Sandro and Pfau, Tilman
    Physical Review Letters 120 6 (2018) arxiv.1712.06927.
  7. Magnetic defects in an imbalanced mixture of two Bose-Einstein condensates
    Gallemí, Albert; Pitaevskii, L P; Stringari, Sandro and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 97 9 (2018) arxiv.1804.03937.


  1. Spin–orbit-coupling induced localization in the expansion of an interacting Bose–Einstein condensate
    Qu, Chunlei; Pitaevskii, Lev P and Stringari, Sandro
    New Journal Of Physics 19 085006 (2017) arxiv.1704.00677.
  2. Thermodynamic behavior of a one-dimensional Bose gas at low temperature
    De Rosi, Giulia; Astrakharchik, Grigori E. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 96 013613 (2017) arxiv.1704.04642.
  3. Diffused Vorticity and Moment of Inertia of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 118 145302 (2017) arxiv.1609.04694.
  4. Magnetic solitons in Rabi-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
    Qu, Chunlei; Tylutki, Marek; Stringari, Sandro and Pitaevskii, Lev P.
    Physical Review A 95 033614 (2017) arxiv.1609.08499.


  1. Hydrodynamic versus collisionless dynamics of a one-dimensional harmonically trapped Bose gas
    De Rosi, Giulia and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 94 063605 (2016) arxiv.1608.08417.
  2. Spin-dipole oscillation and polarizability of a binary Bose-Einstein condensate near the miscible-immiscible phase transition
    Bienaimé, Tom; Fava, Eleonora; Colzi, Giacomo; Mordini, Carmelo; Serafini, Simone; Qu, Chunlei; Stringari, Sandro; Lamporesi, Giacomo and Ferrari, Gabriele
    Physical Review A 94 063652 (2016) arxiv.1607.04574.
  3. Expansion of harmonically trapped interacting particles and time dependence of the contact
    Qu, Chunlei; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 94 063635 (2016) arxiv.1608.08566.
  4. Optical-lattice-assisted magnetic phase transition in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate
    Martone, Giovanni I.; Ozawa, Tomoki; Qu, Chunlei and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 94 043629 (2016) arxiv.1605.02108.
  5. Tricriticalities and Quantum Phases in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Spin-1 Bose Gases
    Martone, Giovanni I.; Pepe, Francesco V.; Facchi, Paolo; Pascazio, Saverio and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 117 125301 (2016) arxiv.1511.09225.
  6. Quantized conductance through the quantum evaporation of bosonic atoms
    Papoular, D. J.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 94 023622 (2016) arxiv.1510.02618.
  7. Dark–bright solitons in a superfluid Bose–Fermi mixture
    Tylutki, Marek; Recati, Alessio; Dalfovo, Franco and Stringari, Sandro
    New Journal Of Physics 18 053014 (2016) arxiv.1601.01471.
  8. Magnetic Solitons in a Binary Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Qu, Chunlei; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 116 160402 (2016) arxiv.1602.06147.
  9. Minimally destructive, Doppler measurement of a quantized flow in a ring-shaped Bose–Einstein condensate
    Kumar, A; Anderson, N; Phillips, W D; Eckel, S; Campbell, G K and Stringari, S
    New Journal Of Physics 18 025001 (2016) arxiv.1509.04759.
  10. Superfluid density of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose gas
    Zhang, Yi-Cai; Yu, Zeng-Qiang; Ng, Tai Kai; Zhang, Shizhong; Pitaevskii, Lev and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 94 5 (2016) arxiv.1605.02136.
  11. Confinement and precession of vortex pairs in coherently coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
    Tylutki, Marek; Pitaevskii, Lev P; Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 93 5 (2016) arxiv.1601.03695.


  1. Collective oscillations of a trapped quantum gas in low dimensions
    De Rosi, Giulia and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 92 053617 (2015) arxiv.1507.07821.
  2. Second Sound in Ultracold Atomic Gases
    Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Universal Themes Of Bose-Einstein Condensation Part III 322 (2015) arxiv.1510.01306.
  3. Hybridization of first and second sound in a weakly interacting Bose gas
    Verney, Lucas; Pitaevskii, Lev and Stringari, Sandro
    Epl (Europhysics Letters) 111 40005 (2015) arxiv.1506.06690.
  4. Bose-Einstein condensation with spin-orbit coupling
    Li, Yun; Martone, Giovanni I. and Stringari, Sandro
    Annual Review Of Cold Atoms And Molecules 3 201 (2015) arxiv.1410.5526.
  5. Shortcut to Adiabaticity for an Anisotropic Gas Containing Quantum Defects
    Papoular, D J and Stringari, S
    Physical Review Letters 115 5 (2015) arxiv.1412.7727.
  6. Spin-dipole oscillation and relaxation of coherently coupled Bose–Einstein condensates
    Sartori, A; Alessio Recati; Stringari, Sandro and Jamir Marino
    New Journal Of Physics 17 12 (2015) arxiv.1503.05000.


  1. Fast Thermalization and Helmholtz Oscillations of an Ultracold Bose Gas
    Papoular, D. J.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 113 170601 (2014) arxiv.1405.6026.
  2. Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit and critical polarization in a Fermi-Bose superfluid mixture
    Ozawa, Tomoki; Recati, Alessio; Delehaye, Marion; Chevy, Frédéric and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 90 043608 (2014) arxiv.1409.3149.
  3. Approach for making visible and stable stripes in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein superfluid
    Martone, Giovanni I.; Li, Yun and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 90 041604 (2014) arxiv.1409.3149.
  4. Discontinuities in the First and Second Sound Velocities at the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition
    Ozawa, Tomoki and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 112 025302 (2014) arxiv.1310.3654.


  1. First and second sound in a highly elongated Fermi gas at unitarity
    Hou, Yan-Hua; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 88 043630 (2013) arxiv.1301.4419.
  2. Superstripes and the Excitation Spectrum of a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Li, Yun; Martone, Giovanni I.; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 110 235302 (2013) arxiv.1303.6903.
  3. Supercurrent and dynamical instability of spin-orbit-coupled ultracold Bose gases
    Ozawa, Tomoki; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 87 063610 (2013) arxiv.1305.0645.
  4. Second sound and the superfluid fraction in a Fermi gas with resonant interactions
    Sidorenkov, Leonid A.; Tey, Meng Khoon; Grimm, Rudolf; Hou, Yan-Hua; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Nature 498 78 (2013) arxiv.1302.2871.
  5. Scaling solutions of the two-fluid hydrodynamic equations in a harmonically trapped gas at unitarity
    Hou, Yan-Hua; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 87 033620 (2013) arxiv.1302.2258.
  6. Collective Modes in a Unitary Fermi Gas across the Superfluid Phase Transition
    Tey, Meng Khoon; Sidorenkov, Leonid A.; Guajardo, Edmundo R. Sánchez; Grimm, Rudolf; Ku, Mark J. H.; Zwierlein, Martin W.; Hou, Yan-Hua; Pitaevskii, Lev and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 110 055303 (2013) arxiv.1211.2659.


  1. Anisotropic dynamics of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate
    Martone, Giovanni I.; Li, Yun; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 86 063621 (2012)
  2. Rapid ramps across the BEC-BCS crossover: A route to measuring the superfluid gap
    Scott, R. G.; Dalfovo, F.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 86 053604 (2012) arxiv.1209.2025.
  3. Sum rules, dipole oscillation and spin polarizability of a spin-orbit coupled quantum gas
    Li, Yun; Martone, Giovanni Italo and Stringari, Sandro
    Epl (Europhysics Letters) 99 56008 (2012) arxiv.1205.6398.
  4. Increasing Quantum Degeneracy by Heating a Superfluid
    Papoular, D. J.; Ferrari, G.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 109 084501 (2012) arxiv.1207.5137.
  5. Quadrupole oscillation in a dipolar Fermi gas: Hydrodynamic versus collisionless regime
    Abad, M.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 85 033639 (2012) arxiv.1110.3670.
  6. The decay and collisions of dark solitons in superfluid Fermi gases
    Scott, R G; Dalfovo, F; Pitaevskii, L P; Stringari, S; Fialko, O; Liao, R and Brand, J
    New Journal Of Physics 14 15 (2012) arxiv.1109.6444.
  7. Quantum Tricriticality and Phase Transitions in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates
    Li, Yun; Pitaevskii, Lev P and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 108 5 (2012) arxiv.1202.3036.


  1. Dipolar drag in bilayer harmonically trapped gases
    Matveeva, N.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    The European Physical Journal D 65 219 (2011) arxiv.1105.0353.
  2. Local atom-number fluctuations in quantum gases at finite temperature
    Klawunn, M.; Recati, A.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 84 033612 (2011) arxiv.1102.3805.
  3. Effects of periodic potentials on the critical velocity of superfluid Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover
    Watanabe, Gentaro; Dalfovo, Franco; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 83 033621 (2011) arxiv.1010.4852.
  4. Spin Fluctuations, Susceptibility, and the Dipole Oscillation of a Nearly Ferromagnetic Fermi Gas
    Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 106 080402 (2011) arxiv.1007.4504.
  5. Universal contact and collective excitations of a strongly interacting Fermi gas
    Li, Yun and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 84 5 (2011) arxiv.1105.6238.
  6. Dynamics of Dark Solitons in a Trapped Superfluid Fermi Gas
    Scott, R G; Dalfovo, F; Pitaevskii, L P and Stringari, S
    Physical Review Letters 106 4 (2011) arxiv.1011.4450.


  1. Spin oscillations of the normal polarized Fermi gas at unitarity
    Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 82 013635 (2010) arxiv.1005.3040.
  2. Detection of pair-superfluidity for bosonic mixtures in optical lattices
    Menotti, C. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 81 045604 (2010) arxiv.0912.4452.
  3. Second sound and the density response function in uniform superfluid atomic gases
    Hu, H; Taylor, E; Liu, X-J; Stringari, S and Griffin, A
    New Journal Of Physics 12 043040 (2010) arxiv.1001.0772.
  4. First and Second Sound in Cylindrically Trapped Gases
    Bertaina, G; Pitaevskii, L and Stringari, S
    Physical Review Letters 105 4 (2010) arxiv.0908.0243.


  1. Critical velocity of superfluid flow through single-barrier and periodic potentials
    Watanabe, Gentaro; Dalfovo, F.; Piazza, F.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 80 053602 (2009) arxiv.0907.0621.
  2. First and second sound in a strongly interacting Fermi gas
    Taylor, E.; Hu, H.; Liu, X.-J.; Pitaevskii, L. P.; Griffin, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 80 053601 (2009) arxiv.0905.0257.
  3. Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit and phase separation in Fermi mixtures at Unitarity
    Bausmerth, I.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 79 043622 (2009) arxiv.0901.2842.
  4. Density and spin response function of a normal Fermi gas at unitarity
    Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 102 110406 (2009) arxiv.0810.4880.
  5. Entropy exchange in a mixture of ultracold atoms
    Catani, J; Barontini, G; Lamporesi, G; Rabatti, F; Thalhammer, G; Minardi, F; Stringari, S and Inguscio, M
    Physical Review Letters 103 5 (2009) arxiv.0906.2264.


  1. Equation of state and effective mass of the unitary Fermi gas in a 1D periodic potential
    Watanabe, Gentaro; Orso, Giuliano; Dalfovo, Franco; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 78 063619 (2008) arxiv.0806.4713.
  2. Unitary polarized Fermi gas under adiabatic rotation
    Bausmerth, I.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 78 063603 (2008) arxiv.0806.1885.
  3. Theory of ultracold Fermi gases
    Giorgini, Stefano; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Reviews Of Modern Physics 80 1215 (2008) arxiv.0706.3360.
  4. The role of interactions in spin-polarised atomic Fermi gases at unitarity
    Recati, A.; Lobo, C. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 78 023633 (2008) arxiv.0803.4419.
  5. Collisional Properties of a Polarized Fermi Gas with Resonant Interactions
    Bruun, G. M.; Recati, A.; Pethick, C. J.; Smith, H. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 100 240406 (2008) arxiv.0804.1885.
  6. Equilibrium and dynamics of a trapped superfluid Fermi gas with unequal masses
    Orso, G.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 77 033611 (2008) arxiv.0709.1690.
  7. Casimir-Lifshitz force out of thermal equilibrium
    Antezza, Mauro; Pitaevskii, Lev P.; Stringari, Sandro and Svetovoy, Vitaly B.
    Physical Review A 77 022901 (2008) arxiv.0706.1850.
  8. Destroying superfluidity by rotating a Fermi gas at unitarity
    Bausmerth, I.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 100 070401 (2008) arxiv.0711.0653.
  9. Tkachenko modes in a superfluid Fermi gas at unitarity
    Watanabe, Gentaro; Cozzini, Marco and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 77 021602 (2008) arxiv.0709.2757.


  1. Dark solitons in a superfluid Fermi gas
    Antezza, Mauro; Dalfovo, Franco; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 76 043610 (2007) arxiv.0706.0601.
  2. Breathing modes of a fast rotating Fermi gas
    Antezza, Mauro; Cozzini, Marco and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 75 053609 (2007) arxiv.0702318.
  3. Measurement of the Temperature Dependence of the Casimir-Polder Force
    Obrecht, J. M.; Wild, R. J.; Antezza, M.; Pitaevskii, L. P.; Stringari, S. and Cornell, E. A.
    Physical Review Letters 98 063201 (2007)
  4. Dynamics and superfluidity of an ultracold Fermi gas
    Stringari S.
    Proceedings Of The International School Of Physics &Ldquo;Enrico Fermi&Rdquo; 164 53 (2007) arxiv.0702526.


  1. Quantum fluctuations and collective oscillations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a 2D optical lattice
    Orso, G.; Menotti, C. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 97 190408 (2006) arxiv.0607371.
  2. Spin polarizability of a trapped superfluid Fermi gas
    Recati, A.; Carusotto, I.; Lobo, C. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 97 190403 (2006) arxiv.0605754.
  3. Normal state of a polarized Fermi gas at unitarity
    Lobo, C.; Recati, A.; Giorgini, S. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 97 200403 (2006) arxiv.0607730.
  4. Casimir-Lifshitz force out of thermal equilibrium and asymptotic non-additivity
    Antezza, Mauro; Pitaevskii, Lev P.; Stringari, Sandro and Svetovoy, Vitaly B.
    Physical Review Letters 97 223203 (2006) arxiv.0607205.
  5. Collective mode of homogeneous superfluid Fermi gases in the BEC-BCS crossover
    Combescot, R.; Kagan, M. Yu and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 74 042717 (2006) arxiv.0607493.
  6. Molecular signatures in the structure factor of an interacting Fermi gas
    Combescot, R; Giorgini, S and Stringari, S
    Europhysics Letters (Epl) 75 695 (2006) arxiv.0512048.
  7. Pair Correlations of an Expanding Superfluid Fermi Gas
    Lobo, C.; Carusotto, I.; Giorgini, S.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 97 100405 (2006) arxiv.0604282.
  8. One-dimensional description of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a rotating closed-loop waveguide
    Schwartz, S.; Cozzini, M.; Menotti, C.; Carusotto, I.; Bouyer, P. and Stringari, S.
    New Journal Of Physics 8 162 (2006) arxiv.0606262.
  9. Vortex lattices in Bose-Einstein condensates: From the Thomas-Fermi regime to the lowest-Landau-level regime
    Cozzini, M.; Stringari, S. and Tozzo, C.
    Physical Review A 73 023615 (2006) arxiv.0509559.
  10. Quantized Vortices in the Ideal Bose Gas: A Physical Realization of Random Polynomials
    Castin, Yvan; Hadzibabic, Zoran; Stock, Sabine; Dalibard, Jean and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 96 040405 (2006) arxiv.0511330.
  11. Vortex signatures in annular Bose-Einstein condensates
    Cozzini, M.; Jackson, B. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 73 013603 (2006) arxiv.0510143.


  1. Bose–Einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases
    Stringari, Sandro
    Physics Letters A 347 150 (2005)
  2. New Asymptotic Behavior of the Surface-Atom Force out of Thermal Equilibrium
    Antezza, Mauro; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 95 113202 (2005) arxiv.0504794.
  3. Formation of Molecules near a Feshbach Resonance in a 1D Optical Lattice
    Orso, G.; Pitaevskii, L. P.; Stringari, S. and Wouters, M.
    Physical Review Letters 95 060402 (2005) arxiv.0503096.
  4. Sensitive Measurement of Forces at the Micron Scale Using Bloch Oscillations of Ultracold Atoms
    Carusotto, I.; Pitaevskii, L.; Stringari, S.; Modugno, G. and Inguscio, M.
    Physical Review Letters 95 093202 (2005) arxiv.0503141.
  5. Equation of State and Collective Frequencies of a Trapped Fermi Gas Along the BEC-Unitarity Crossover
    Astrakharchik, G. E.; Combescot, R.; Leyronas, X. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 95 030404 (2005) arxiv.0503618.
  6. Sound propagation and oscillations of a superfluid Fermi gas in the presence of a one-dimensional optical lattice
    Pitaevskii, L. P.; Stringari, S. and Orso, G.
    Physical Review A 71 053602 (2005) arxiv.0407532.
  7. Oscillations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate Rotating in a Harmonic Plus Quartic Trap
    Cozzini, M.; Fetter, A. L.; Jackson, B. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 94 100402 (2005) arxiv.0411106.
  8. Rapid rotation of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a harmonic plus quartic trap
    Fetter, Alexander L.; Jackson, B. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 71 013605 (2005) arxiv.0407119.


  1. Effect of the Casimir-Polder force on the collective oscillations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
    Antezza, Mauro; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 70 053619 (2004) arxiv.0407495.
  2. Insulating Behavior of a Trapped Ideal Fermi Gas
    Pezzè, L.; Pitaevskii, L.; Smerzi, A.; Stringari, S.; Modugno, G.; de Mirandes, E.; Ferlaino, F.; Ott, H.; Roati, G. and Inguscio, M.
    Physical Review Letters 93 120401 (2004) arxiv.0401643.
  3. Propagation of sound in a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice
    Menotti, C.; Krämer, M.; Smerzi, A.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 70 023609 (2004) arxiv.0404272.
  4. Collisions and expansion of an ultracold dilute Fermi gas
    Jackson, B; Pedri, P and Stringari, S
    Europhysics Letters (Epl) 67 524 (2004) arxiv.0404175.
  5. Umklapp Collisions and Center-of-Mass Oscillations of a Trapped Fermi Gas
    Orso, G.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 93 020404 (2004) arxiv.0402532.
  6. Tkachenko Oscillations and the Compressibility of a Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Cozzini, M.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 92 220401 (2004) arxiv.0401516.
  7. Collective oscillations of a trapped superfluid Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance
    Stringari, S
    Europhysics Letters (Epl) 65 749 (2004) arxiv.0312614.
  8. Momentum distribution of a trapped Fermi gas with large scattering length
    Viverit, L.; Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L.P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 69 013607 (2004) arxiv.0307538.
  9. Sum rules and the collective oscillations of a quantum gas
    Stringari, S
    J. Phys. Iv France 116 47 (2004)


  1. Bose-Einstein condensates in 1D optical lattices
    Kraemer, Meret, M.; Menotti, C.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 27 247 (2003) arxiv.0303206.
  2. Kelvin modes of a fast rotating Bose-Einstein condensate
    Chevy, F. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 68 053601 (2003) arxiv.0305559.
  3. Dynamics of a classical gas including dissipative and mean-field effects
    Pedri, P.; Guéry-Odelin, D. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 68 043608 (2003) arxiv.0305624.
  4. Violation of self-similarity in the expansion of a one-dimensional Bose gas
    Pedri, P.; Santos, L.; Öhberg, P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 68 043601 (2003) arxiv.0304660.
  5. Fermi Gases in Slowly Rotating Traps: Superfluid versus Collisional Hydrodynamics
    Cozzini, Marco and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 91 070401 (2003) arxiv.0305268.
  6. Dynamic structure factor of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional optical lattice
    Menotti, C.; Krämer, M.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 67 053609 (2003) arxiv.0212299.
  7. Macroscopic dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate containing a vortex lattice
    Cozzini, Marco and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 67 041602 (2003) arxiv.0211294.
  8. Scissors mode of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate
    Cozzini, Marco; Stringari, Sandro; Bretin, Vincent; Rosenbusch, Peter and Dalibard, Jean
    Physical Review A 67 021602 (2003) arxiv.0210111.
  9. Phase fluctuations and coherence of an almost ideal condensate
    Pitaevskii, L P and Stringari, S
    Annales Henri Poincare' 4 792 (2003)


  1. The Quest for Superfluidity in Fermi Gases
    Pitaevskii, Lev and Stringari, Sandro
    Science 298 2144 (2002)
  2. Expansion of an Interacting Fermi Gas
    Menotti, C.; Pedri, P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 89 250402 (2002) arxiv.0208150.
  3. Collective oscillations of a one-dimensional trapped Bose-Einstein gas
    Menotti, Chiara and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 66 043610 (2002) arxiv.0201158.
  4. Vortex nucleation and quadrupole deformation of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate
    Kraemer, M.; Pitaevskii, L.; Stringari, S. and Zambelli, F.
    Laser Physics 12 113 (2002) arxiv.0106524.
  5. Macroscopic Dynamics of a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of 1D and 2D Optical Lattices
    Krämer, M.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 88 180404 (2002) arxiv.0201398.
  6. Consequence of Superfluidity on the Expansion of a Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Edwards, Mark; Clark, Charles W.; Pedri, P.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 88 070405 (2002) arxiv.0106080.


  1. Expansion of a Coherent Array of Bose-Einstein Condensates
    Pedri, P.; Pitaevskii, L.; Stringari, S.; Fort, C.; Burger, S.; Cataliotti, F. S.; Maddaloni, P.; Minardi, F. and Inguscio, M.
    Physical Review Letters 87 220401 (2001)
  2. Momentum transferred to a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate by stimulated light scattering
    Brunello, A.; Dalfovo, F.; Pitaevskii, L.; Stringari, S. and Zambelli, F.
    Physical Review A 64 063614 (2001)
  3. Collective excitations of a "gravitationally" self-bound Bose gas
    Giovanazzi, S; Kurizki, G; Mazets, I. E and Stringari, S
    Europhysics Letters (Epl) 56 1 (2001) arxiv.0101310.
  4. Thermal vs Quantum Decoherence in Double Well Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates
    Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 87 180402 (2001) arxiv.0104458.
  5. Finite size effects on the collective oscillations of a trapped Bose gas
    Zambelli, Francesca and Stringari, Sandro
    Laser Physics 12 240 (2001) arxiv.0107464.
  6. Superfluid Gyroscope with Cold Atomic Gases
    Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 86 4725 (2001) arxiv.0101113.
  7. Adiabatic compression of a trapped Fermi gas
    Viverit, L.; Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 63 033603 (2001) arxiv.0005517.
  8. Moment of inertia and quadrupole response function of a trapped superfluid
    Zambelli, F. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 63 033602 (2001) arxiv.0004325.
  9. Overcritical Rotation of a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Recati, A.; Zambelli, F. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 86 377 (2001) arxiv.0007152.
  10. Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity in trapped atomic gases
    Stringari, Sandro
    Acad. Sci. Paris 2 381 (2001) arxiv.0101299.
  11. Helium nanodroplets and trapped Bose–Einstein condensates as prototypes of finite quantum fluids
    Dalfovo, Franco and Stringari, Sandro
    The Journal Of Chemical Physics 115 10078 (2001)


  1. Shape deformations and angular-momentum transfer in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
    Dalfovo, F. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 63 011601 (2000) arxiv.0009187.
  2. How to Measure the Bogoliubov Quasiparticle Amplitudes in a Trapped Condensate
    Brunello, A.; Dalfovo, F.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 85 4422 (2000) arxiv.0007125.
  3. Kinetic energy of a trapped Fermi gas interacting with a Bose-Einstein condensate
    Vichi, L.; Amoruso, M.; Minguzzi, A.; Stringari, S. and Tosi, M.P.
    The European Physical Journal D 11 335 (2000)
  4. Dynamic structure factor and momentum distribution of a trapped Bose gas
    Zambelli, F.; Pitaevskii, L.; Stamper-Kurn, D. M. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 61 063608 (2000) arxiv.9912089.


  1. Collective oscillations of a classical gas confined in harmonic traps
    Guéry-Odelin, David; Zambelli, Francesca; Dalibard, Jean and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 60 4851 (1999) arxiv.9904409.
  2. Collective oscillations of an interacting trapped Fermi gas
    Vichi, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 60 4734 (1999) arxiv.9905154.
  3. Interference of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Momentum Space
    Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 83 4237 (1999) arxiv.9905409.
  4. Phase Diagram of Quantized Vortices in a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensed Gas
    Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 82 4371 (1999) arxiv.9812362.
  5. Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases
    Dalfovo, Franco; Giorgini, Stefano; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Reviews Of Modern Physics 71 463 (1999) arxiv.9806038.
  6. Scissors Mode and Superfluidity of a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensed Gas
    Guéry-Odelin, D and Stringari, S
    Physical Review Letters 83 4452 (1999)


  1. Temperature-dependent density profiles of trapped boson-fermion mixtures
    Amoruso, M.; Minguzzi, A.; Stringari, S.; Tosi, M.P. and Vichi, L.
    The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 4 261 (1998) arxiv.9810210.
  2. Elementary Excitations in Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensed Gases Beyond the Mean-Field Approximation
    Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 81 4541 (1998) arxiv.9807396.
  3. Quantum degeneracy and interaction effects in spin-polarized Fermi - Bose mixtures
    Vichi, L; Inguscio, M; Stringari, S and Tino, G M
    Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 31 L899 (1998) arxiv.9810115.
  4. Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensed gases in highly deformed traps
    Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 58 2385 (1998) arxiv.9801067.
  5. Quantized Vortices and Collective Oscillations of a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Zambelli, Francesca and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 81 1754 (1998) arxiv.9805068.
  6. Dynamical response of a Bose-Einstein condensate to a discontinuous change in internal state
    Matthews, M. R.; Hall, D. S.; Jin, D. S.; Ensher, J. R.; Wieman, C. E.; Cornell, E. A.; Dalfovo, F.; Minniti, C. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 81 243 (1998) arxiv.9803310.
  7. Anomalous Fluctuations of the Condensate in Interacting Bose Gases
    Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 80 5040 (1998) arxiv.9711065.


  1. Landau damping in dilute Bose gases
    Pitaevskii, L.P. and Stringari, S.
    Physics Letters A 235 398 (1997) arxiv.9708104.
  2. Collective and single-particle excitations of a trapped Bose gas
    Dalfovo, F.; Giorgini, S.; Guilleumas, M.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 56 3840 (1997) arxiv.9705240.
  3. Thermodynamics of a trapped Bose-condensed gas
    Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Journal Of Low Temperature Physics 109 309 (1997) arxiv.9704014.
  4. Scaling and Thermodynamics of a Trapped Bose-Condensed Gas
    Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 78 3987 (1997) arxiv.9612192.
  5. Hydrodynamic Modes in a Trapped Bose Gas above the Bose-Einstein Transition
    Griffin, A.; Wu, Wen-Chin and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 78 1838 (1997) arxiv.9610187.
  6. Nonlinear dynamics of a Bose condensed gas
    Dalfovo, F; Minniti, C; Stringari, S and Pitaevskii, L
    Physics Letters A 227 259 (1997) arxiv.9612175.
  7. Bose-Einstein condensation
    Townsend, Christopher; Ketterle, Wolfgang and Stringari, Sandro
    Physics World March 29 (1997)


  1. Condensate fraction and critical temperature of a trapped interacting Bose gas
    Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 54 R4633 (1996) arxiv.9607117.
  2. Order parameter at the boundary of a trapped Bose gas
    Dalfovo, F.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 54 4213 (1996) arxiv.9604069.
  3. Collective Excitations of a Trapped Bose-Condensed Gas
    Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 77 2360 (1996) arxiv.9603126.
  4. The condensate wave function of a trapped atomic gas
    Dalfovo, F.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Journal Of Research Of The National Institute Of Standards And Technology 101 537 (1996)
  5. Bosons in anisotropic traps: Ground state and vortices
    Dalfovo, F. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 53 2477 (1996) arxiv.9510142.
  6. Moment of Inertia and Superfluidity of a Trapped Bose Gas
    Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 76 1405 (1996) arxiv.9509166.
  7. Bosons in a magnetic trap: the condensate wave function
    Dalfovo, F; Pitaevskii, L and Stringari, S
    Physica Scripta T66 234 (1996)