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Bose-Einstein Condensation

Trento, Italy

Publications @ BEC










  1. Analog Hawking radiation from a spin-sonic horizon in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
    Berti, Anna; Fernandes, Lennart; Butera, Salvatore Giulio; Recati, Alessio; Wauters, Michiel and Carusotto, Iacopo
    Arxiv None None (2024) arxiv.2408.17292.
  2. Anomalous Doppler effect in superfluid and supersolid atomic gases
    Zawiślak, Tomasz; Šindik, Marija; Stringari, Sandro and Recati, Alessio
    Arxiv None None (2024) arxiv.2408.16489.
  3. Decoherence and Momentum Relaxation in Fermi-Polaron Rabi Dynamics: A Kinetic Equation Approach
    Wasak, Tomasz; Sighinolfi, Matteo; Lang, Johannes; Piazza, Francesco and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review Letters 132 183001 (2024) arxiv.2205.05941.
  4. Sound, Superfluidity, and Layer Compressibility in a Ring Dipolar Supersolid
    Šindik, Marija; Tomasz Zawiślak; Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 132 146001 (2024) arxiv.2308.05981.
  5. False vacuum decay via bubble formation in ferromagnetic superfluids
    Zenesini, Alessandro; Berti, Anna; Cominotti, Riccardo; Rogora, Chiara; Moss, Ian G.; Billam, Thomas P.; Carusotto, Iacopo; Lamporesi, Giacomo; Recati, Alessio and Ferrari, Gabriele
    Nature Physics 20 558 (2024) arxiv.2305.05225.
  6. Extracting many-body quantum resources within one-body reduced density matrix functional theory
    Benavides-Riveros, Carlos L.; Wasak, Tomasz and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review Research 6 L012052 (2024) arxiv.2311.12596.
  7. Bose–Einstein condensation
    Fallani, Leonardo; Inguscio, Massimo; Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Encyclopedia Of Condensed Matter Physics 1 68 (2024)


  1. Supersolidity in ultracold dipolar gases
    Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Nature Reviews Physics 5 735 (2023)
  2. Ferromagnetism in an Extended Coherently Coupled Atomic Superfluid
    Cominotti, R.; Berti, A.; Dulin, C.; Rogora, C.; Lamporesi, G.; Carusotto, I.; Recati, A.; Zenesini, A. and Ferrari, G.
    Physical Review X 13 021037 (2023) arxiv.2209.13235.
  3. Mass-driven vortex collisions in flat superfluids
    Richaud, Andrea; Lamporesi, Giacomo; Capone, Massimo and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 107 053317 (2023) arxiv.2209.00493.
  4. Oscillating Solitons and ac Josephson Effect in Ferromagnetic Bose-Bose Mixtures
    Bresolin, S.; Roy, A.; Ferrari, G.; Recati, A. and Pavloff, N.
    Physical Review Letters 130 220403 (2023) arxiv.2209.11536.
  5. Finite-temperature ferromagnetic transition in coherently coupled Bose gases
    Roy, Arko; Ota, Miki; Dalfovo, Franco and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 107 043301 (2023) arxiv.2212.12253.
  6. Lattice Polarons across the Superfluid to Mott Insulator Transition
    Colussi, V.E.; Caleffi, F.; Menotti, C. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review Letters 130 173002 (2023) arxiv.2205.09857.
  7. Phase diagram detection via Gaussian fitting of number probability distribution
    Contessi, Daniele; Recati, Alessio and Rizzi, Matteo
    Physical Review B 107 L121403 (2023) arxiv.2207.01478.


  1. Creation and robustness of quantized vortices in a dipolar supersolid when crossing the superfluid-to-supersolid transition
    Šindik, Marija; Recati, Alessio; Roccuzzo, Santo Maria; Santos, Luis and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 106 L061303 (2022) arxiv.2206.14100.
  2. Observation of Massless and Massive Collective Excitations with Faraday Patterns in a Two-Component Superfluid
    Cominotti, R.; Berti, A.; Farolfi, A.; Zenesini, A.; Lamporesi, G.; Carusotto, I.; Recati, A. and Ferrari, G.
    Physical Review Letters 128 210401 (2022) arxiv.2112.09880.
  3. Stochastic dynamics and bound states of heavy impurities in a Fermi bath
    Sighinolfi, Matteo; De Boni, Davide; Roggero, Alessandro; Garberoglio, Giovanni; Faccioli, Pietro and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 105 043308 (2022) arxiv.2111.11973.
  4. Quantum Gutzwiller approach for the two-component Bose-Hubbard model
    Colussi, Victor; Caleffi, Fabio; Menotti, Chiara and Recati, Alessio
    Scipost Physics 12 111 (2022) arxiv.2110.13095.
  5. Detection of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition via Generative Adversarial Networks
    Contessi, Daniele; Ricci, Elisa; Recati, Alessio and Rizzi, Matteo
    Scipost Physics 12 107 (2022) arxiv.2110.05383.
  6. Coherently Coupled Mixtures of Ultracold Atomic Gases
    Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Annual Review Of Condensed Matter Physics 13 407 (2022) arxiv.2108.10159.
  7. Supersolid edge and bulk phases of a dipolar quantum gas in a box
    Roccuzzo, S. M.; Stringari, S. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review Research 4 013086 (2022) arxiv.2104.01068.
  8. Moment of inertia and dynamical rotational response of a supersolid dipolar gas
    Roccuzzo, S. M.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 105 023316 (2022) arxiv.2112.12749.


  1. Beyond-Mean-Field Effects in Rabi-Coupled Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Lavoine, L.; Hammond, A.; Recati, A.; Petrov, D.S. and Bourdel, T.
    Physical Review Letters 127 203402 (2021) arxiv.2105.11723.
  2. Quantum-torque-induced breaking of magnetic interfaces in ultracold gases
    Farolfi, A.; Zenesini, A.; Trypogeorgos, D.; Mordini, C.; Gallemí, A.; Roy, A.; Recati, A.; Lamporesi, G. and Ferrari, G.
    Nature Physics 17 1359 (2021) arxiv.2011.04271.
  3. Bragg scattering of an ultracold dipolar gas across the phase transition from Bose-Einstein condensate to supersolid in the free-particle regime
    Petter, D.; Patscheider, A.; Natale, G.; Mark, M. J.; Baranov, M. A.; van Bijnen, R.; Roccuzzo, S. M.; Recati, A.; Blakie, B.; Baillie, D.; Chomaz, L. and Ferlaino, F.
    Physical Review A 104 L011302 (2021) arxiv.2005.02213.
  4. Linear response study of collisionless spin drag
    Romito, Donato; Lobo, Carlos and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review Research 3 023196 (2021) arxiv.2002.03955.
  5. Collisionless drag for a one-dimensional two-component Bose-Hubbard model
    Contessi, Daniele; Romito, Donato; Rizzi, Matteo and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review Research 3 L022017 (2021) arxiv.2009.09504.
  6. Impurity dephasing in a Bose–Hubbard model
    Caleffi, Fabio; Capone, Massimo; de Vega, Inés and Recati, Alessio
    New Journal Of Physics 23 033018 (2021) arxiv.2011.13757.
  7. Supersolidity of cnoidal waves in an ultracold Bose gas
    Martone, Giovanni I.; Recati, Alessio and Pavloff, Nicolas
    Physical Review Research 3 013143 (2021) arxiv.2008.00795.
  8. Finite temperature spin dynamics of a two-dimensional Bose-Bose atomic mixture
    Roy, Arko; Ota, Miki; Recati, Alessio and Dalfovo, Franco
    Physical Review Research 3 013161 (2021) arxiv.2010.01933.
  9. Manipulation of an elongated internal Josephson junction of bosonic atoms
    Farolfi, A.; Zenesini, A.; Cominotti, R.; Trypogeorgos, D.; Recati, A.; Lamporesi, G. and Ferrari, G.
    Physical Review A 104 023326 (2021) arxiv.2101.12643.


  1. Quantum fluctuations beyond the Gutzwiller approximation in the Bose-Hubbard model
    Caleffi, Fabio; Capone, Massimo; Menotti, Chiara; Carusotto, Iacopo and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review Research 2 033276 (2020) arxiv.1908.03470.
  2. Quantized vortices in dipolar supersolid Bose-Einstein condensed gases
    Gallemì, A.; Roccuzzo, S. M.; Stringari, S. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review A 102 023322 (2020) arxiv.2005.05718.
  3. Spin-dipole mode in a trapped Fermi gas near unitarity
    Tajima, Hiroyuki; Recati, Alessio and Ohashi, Yoji
    Physical Review A 101 013610 (2020) arxiv.1909.11425.
  4. Rotating a Supersolid Dipolar Gas
    Roccuzzo, S. M.; Gallemí, A.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 124 045702 (2020) arxiv.1910.08513.


  1. Supersolid symmetry breaking from compressional oscillations in a dipolar quantum gas
    Tanzi, L.; Roccuzzo, S. M.; Lucioni, E.; Famà, F.; Fioretti, A.; Gabbanini, C.; Modugno, G.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Nature 574 382 (2019) arxiv.1906.02791.
  2. Decay of the relative phase domain wall into confined vortex pairs: The case of a coherently coupled bosonic mixture
    Gallemí, A.; Pitaevskii, L. P.; Stringari, S. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review A 100 023607 (2019) arxiv.1906.06237.
  3. Collisions of Self-Bound Quantum Droplets
    Ferioli, Giovanni; Semeghini, Giulia; Masi, Leonardo; Giusti, Giovanni; Modugno, Giovanni; Inguscio, Massimo; Gallemí, Albert; Recati, Alessio and Fattori, Marco
    Physical Review Letters 122 090401 (2019) arxiv.1812.09151.
  4. Breaking of Goldstone modes in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
    Recati, Alessio and Piazza, Francesco
    Physical Review B 99 064505 (2019) arxiv.1609.01954.
  5. Dynamics of multiple atoms in one-dimensional fields
    Cascio, Carlo; Halimeh, Jad C.; McCulloch, Ian P.; Recati, Alessio and de Vega, Inés
    Physical Review A 99 013845 (2019) arxiv.1801.08176.


  1. Simulation of two-boson bound states using arrays of driven-dissipative coupled linear optical resonators
    Gorlach, Maxim A.; Di Liberto, Marco; Recati, Alessio; Carusotto, Iacopo; Poddubny, Alexander N. and Menotti, Chiara
    Physical Review A 98 063625 (2018) arxiv.1808.05989.
  2. Analogue simulation of two-body quantum dynamics with classical setup
    Gorlach, M A; Di Liberto, M; Recati, A; Carusotto, I; Poddubny, A N and Menotti, C
    Journal Of Physics: Conference Series 1092 012045 (2018)
  3. Particle-Hole Character of the Higgs and Goldstone Modes in Strongly Interacting Lattice Bosons
    Di Liberto, M.; Recati, A.; Trivedi, N.; Carusotto, I. and Menotti, C.
    Physical Review Letters 120 073201 (2018) arxiv.1709.06575.
  4. Magnetic defects in an imbalanced mixture of two Bose-Einstein condensates
    Gallemí, Albert; Pitaevskii, L P; Stringari, Sandro and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 97 9 (2018) arxiv.1804.03937.
  5. Localisation transition in the driven Aubry-André model
    Donato, Romito; Carlos, Lobo and Alessio, Recati
    The European Physical Journal D 72 8 (2018) arxiv.1802.08859.


  1. Coherent oscillations in small Fermi-polaron systems
    Tylutki, Marek; Astrakharchik, G. E. and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 96 063603 (2017) arxiv.1706.09466.
  2. Andreev–Bashkin effect in superfluid cold gases mixtures
    Nespolo, Jacopo; Astrakharchik, Grigori E and Recati, Alessio
    New Journal Of Physics 19 125005 (2017) arxiv.1708.03141.
  3. Two-body bound and edge states in the extended SSH Bose-Hubbard model
    Di Liberto, M.; Recati, A.; Carusotto, I. and Menotti, C.
    The European Physical Journal Special Topics 226 2751 (2017) arxiv.1612.02601.
  4. Exploring the ferromagnetic behaviour of a repulsive Fermi gas through spin dynamics
    Valtolina, G.; Scazza, F.; Amico, A.; Burchianti, A.; Recati, A.; Enss, T.; Inguscio, M.; Zaccanti, M. and Roati, G.
    Nature Physics 13 704 (2017) arxiv.1605.07850.
  5. Repulsive Fermi Polarons in a Resonant Mixture of Ultracold Li 6 Atoms
    Scazza, F.; Valtolina, G.; Massignan, P.; Recati, A.; Amico, A.; Burchianti, A.; Fort, C.; Inguscio, M.; Zaccanti, M. and Roati, G.
    Physical Review Letters 118 083602 (2017) arxiv.1609.09817.
  6. Casimir Forces and Quantum Friction from Ginzburg Radiation in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates
    Marino, Jamir; Recati, Alessio and Carusotto, Iacopo
    Physical Review Letters 118 045301 (2017) arxiv.1605.07642.


  1. Two-body physics in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
    Di Liberto, M.; Recati, A.; Carusotto, I. and Menotti, C.
    Physical Review A 94 062704 (2016) arxiv.1608.07341.
  2. Dark–bright solitons in a superfluid Bose–Fermi mixture
    Tylutki, Marek; Recati, Alessio; Dalfovo, Franco and Stringari, Sandro
    New Journal Of Physics 18 053014 (2016) arxiv.1601.01471.
  3. Magnetic phase transition in coherently coupled Bose gases in optical lattices
    Barbiero, L.; Abad, M. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review A 93 033645 (2016) arxiv.1403.4185.
  4. Momentum-dependent pseudospin dimers of coherently coupled bosons in optical lattices
    Menotti, Chiara; Minganti, Fabrizio and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 93 033602 (2016) arxiv.1511.08637.
  5. Confinement and precession of vortex pairs in coherently coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
    Tylutki, Marek; Pitaevskii, Lev P; Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 93 5 (2016) arxiv.1601.03695.


  1. Instability of the Superfluid Flow as Black-Hole Lasing Effect
    Finazzi, S.; Piazza, F.; Abad, M.; Smerzi, A. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review Letters 114 245301 (2015) arxiv.1409.8068.
  2. A toy model for the dipolar-induced resonance in quasi-one-dimensional systems
    Bartolo, N; Papoular, D J; Recati, A and Menotti, C
    The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224 47 (2015) arxiv.1410.2483.
  3. Spin-dipole oscillation and relaxation of coherently coupled Bose–Einstein condensates
    Sartori, A; Alessio Recati; Stringari, Sandro and Jamir Marino
    New Journal Of Physics 17 12 (2015) arxiv.1503.05000.
  4. Out-of-equilibrium states and quasi-many-body localization in polar lattice gases
    Barbiero, L; Menotti, C; Recati, A and Santos, L
    Physical Review B 92 5 (2015) arxiv.1505.02028.


  1. Spontaneous Peierls dimerization and emergent bond order in one-dimensional dipolar gases
    Di Dio, M.; Barbiero, L.; Recati, A. and Dalmonte, M.
    Physical Review A 90 063608 (2014) arxiv.1304.5200.
  2. Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit and critical polarization in a Fermi-Bose superfluid mixture
    Ozawa, Tomoki; Recati, Alessio; Delehaye, Marion; Chevy, Frédéric and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 90 043608 (2014) arxiv.1409.3149.
  3. Persistent currents in two-component condensates in a toroidal trap
    Abad, M.; Sartori, A.; Finazzi, S. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review A 89 053602 (2014) arxiv.1310.0400.


  1. Dynamics of highly unbalanced Bose-Bose mixtures: miscible vs. immiscible gases
    Sartori, Alberto and Recati, Alessio
    The European Physical Journal D 67 260 (2013) arxiv.1305.2094.
  2. Dipolar-induced resonance for ultracold bosons in a quasi-one-dimensional optical lattice
    Bartolo, N.; Papoular, D. J.; Barbiero, L.; Menotti, C. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review A 88 023603 (2013) arxiv.1303.3130.
  3. Polar molecules in bilayers with high population imbalance
    Klawunn, Michael and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 88 013633 (2013) arxiv.1110.2336.
  4. A study of coherently coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
    Abad, Marta and Recati, Alessio
    The European Physical Journal D 67 148 (2013) arxiv.1301.6864.
  5. Understanding Hawking radiation from simple models of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
    Balbinot, R.; Carusotto, I.; Fabbri, A.; Mayoral, C. and Recati, A.
    Lecture Notes In Physics Book Series (Lnp, Volume 870) 870 181 (2013) arxiv.1207.2660.


  1. Quadrupole oscillation in a dipolar Fermi gas: Hydrodynamic versus collisionless regime
    Abad, M.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 85 033639 (2012) arxiv.1110.3670.
  2. Quantum fluctuations around black hole horizons in Bose-Einstein condensates
    Larré, P.-É.; Recati, A.; Carusotto, I. and Pavloff, N.
    Physical Review A 85 013621 (2012) arxiv.1110.4464.


  1. Nonlocal state swapping of polar molecules in bilayers
    Pikovski, A.; Klawunn, M.; Recati, A. and Santos, L.
    Physical Review A 84 061605 (2011) arxiv.1108.5642.
  2. Dipolar drag in bilayer harmonically trapped gases
    Matveeva, N.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    The European Physical Journal D 65 219 (2011) arxiv.1105.0353.
  3. Local atom-number fluctuations in quantum gases at finite temperature
    Klawunn, M.; Recati, A.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 84 033612 (2011) arxiv.1102.3805.
  4. Fermi polaron in two dimensions: Importance of the two-body bound state
    Klawunn, Michael and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 84 033607 (2011) arxiv.1105.3431.
  5. Metastability in spin-polarized Fermi gases and quasiparticle decays
    Sadeghzadeh, K; Bruun, G M; Lobo, C; Massignan, P and Recati, A
    New Journal Of Physics 13 14 (2011) arxiv.1012.0484.
  6. Acoustic white holes in flowing atomic Bose–Einstein condensates
    Mayoral, Carlos; Recati, Alessio; Fabbri, Alessandro; Parentani, Renaud; Balbinot, Roberto and Carusotto, Iacopo
    New Journal Of Physics 13 025007 (2011) arxiv.1009.6196.
  7. Spin Fluctuations, Susceptibility, and the Dipole Oscillation of a Nearly Ferromagnetic Fermi Gas
    Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 106 080402 (2011) arxiv.1007.4504.


  1. Spin oscillations of the normal polarized Fermi gas at unitarity
    Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review A 82 013635 (2010) arxiv.1005.3040.
  2. Testing Hawking particle creation by black holes through correlation measurements
    Balbinot, R.; Carusotto, I.; Fabbri, A. and Recati, A.
    International Journal Of Modern Physics D 19 2371 (2010) arxiv.1005.4000.
  3. Density correlations and analog dynamical Casimir emission of Bogoliubov phonons in modulated atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
    Carusotto, Iacopo; Balbinot, Roberto; Fabbri, Alessandro and Recati, Alessio
    The European Physical Journal D 56 391 (2010) arxiv.0907.2314.


  1. Bogoliubov theory of acoustic Hawking radiation in Bose-Einstein condensates
    Recati, A.; Pavloff, N. and Carusotto, I.
    Physical Review A 80 043603 (2009) arxiv.0907.4305.
  2. Collective decoherence of cold atoms coupled to a Bose–Einstein condensate
    Cirone, M A; Chiara, G De; Palma, G M and Recati, A
    New Journal Of Physics 11 103055 (2009) arxiv.0909.2166.
  3. Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit and phase separation in Fermi mixtures at Unitarity
    Bausmerth, I.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 79 043622 (2009) arxiv.0901.2842.


  1. Unitary polarized Fermi gas under adiabatic rotation
    Bausmerth, I.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 78 063603 (2008) arxiv.0806.1885.
  2. Numerical observation of Hawking radiation from acoustic black holes in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
    Carusotto, Iacopo; Fagnocchi, Serena; Recati, Alessio; Balbinot, Roberto and Fabbri, Alessandro
    New Journal Of Physics 10 103001 (2008) arxiv.0803.0507.
  3. Non-local density correlations as signal of Hawking radiation in BEC acoustic black holes
    Balbinot, Roberto; Fabbri, Alessandro; Fagnocchi, Serena; Recati, Alessio and Carusotto, Iacopo
    Physical Review A 78 021603 (2008) arxiv.0711.4520.
  4. The role of interactions in spin-polarised atomic Fermi gases at unitarity
    Recati, A.; Lobo, C. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 78 023633 (2008) arxiv.0803.4419.
  5. Collisional Properties of a Polarized Fermi Gas with Resonant Interactions
    Bruun, G. M.; Recati, A.; Pethick, C. J.; Smith, H. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 100 240406 (2008) arxiv.0804.1885.
  6. Destroying superfluidity by rotating a Fermi gas at unitarity
    Bausmerth, I.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 100 070401 (2008) arxiv.0711.0653.
  7. Radiation induced force between two planar waveguides
    Riboli, Francesco; Recati, Alessio; Antezza, Mauro and Carusotto, Iacopo
    The European Physical Journal D 46 157 (2008) arxiv.0702183.


  1. Increasing entanglement through engineered disorder in the random Ising chain
    Binosi, D.; De Chiara, G.; Montangero, S. and Recati, A.
    Physical Review B 76 140405 (2007) arxiv.0707.0266.
  2. Normal state of highly polarized Fermi gases: simple many-body approaches
    Combescot, R.; Recati, A.; Lobo, C. and Chevy, F.
    Physical Review Letters 98 180402 (2007) arxiv.0702314.
  3. Deterministic Entanglement via Molecular Dissociation in Integrated Atom Optics
    Zhao, Bo; Chen, Zeng-Bing; Pan, Jian-Wei; Schmiedmayer, J.; Recati, Alessio; Astrakharchik, Grigory E. and Calarco, Tommaso
    Physical Review A 75 042312 (2007) arxiv.0502011.
  4. Oscillating Casimir force between impurities in one-dimensional Fermi liquids
    Fuchs, J. N.; Recati, A. and Zwerger, W.
    Physical Review A 75 043615 (2007) arxiv.0610659.
    Calarco, T.; Cirone, M. A.; Cozzini, M.; Negretti, A.; Recati, A. and Charron, E.
    International Journal Of Quantum Information 05 207 (2007)


  1. Spin polarizability of a trapped superfluid Fermi gas
    Recati, A.; Carusotto, I.; Lobo, C. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 97 190403 (2006) arxiv.0605754.
  2. Normal state of a polarized Fermi gas at unitarity
    Lobo, C.; Recati, A.; Giorgini, S. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 97 200403 (2006) arxiv.0607730.
  3. Pair Correlations of an Expanding Superfluid Fermi Gas
    Lobo, C.; Carusotto, I.; Giorgini, S.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 97 100405 (2006) arxiv.0604282.
  4. Fast Rydberg gates without dipole blockade via quantum control
    Cozzini, M.; Calarco, T.; Recati, A. and Zoller, P.
    Optics Communications 264 375 (2006) arxiv.0511118.
  5. Photon recycling in Fabry–Perot micro-cavities based on Si3N4 waveguides
    Riboli, F.; Recati, A.; Daldosso, N.; Pavesi, L.; Pucker, G.; Lui, A.; Cabrini, S. and Di Fabrizio, E.
    Photonics And Nanostructures - Fundamentals And Applications 4 41 (2006)
  6. Photon energy lifter
    Gaburro, Zeno; Ghulinyan, Mher; Riboli, Francesco; Pavesi, Lorenzo; Recati, Alessio and Carusotto, Iacopo
    Optics Express 14 7270 (2006) arxiv.0510043.


  1. Casimir forces between defects in one-dimensional quantum liquids
    Recati, A.; Fuchs, J. N.; Peça, C. S. and Zwerger, W.
    Physical Review A 72 023616 (2005) arxiv.0505420.
  2. Performance of quantum phase gates with cold trapped atoms
    Negretti, A.; Calarco, T.; Cirone, M. A. and Recati, A.
    The European Physical Journal D 32 119 (2005) arxiv.0312066.
  3. Boson-fermion resonance model in one dimension
    Recati, A.; Fuchs, J. N. and Zwerger, W.
    Physical Review A 71 033630 (2005) arxiv.0410183.
  4. Atomic Quantum Dots Coupled to a Reservoir of a Superfluid Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Recati, A.; Fedichev, P. O.; Zwerger, W.; von Delft, J. and Zoller, P.
    Physical Review Letters 94 040404 (2005) arxiv.0212413.


  1. Vortex liquids and vortex quantum Hall states in trapped rotating Bose gases
    Fischer, Uwe R; Fedichev, Petr O and Recati, Alessio
    Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 37 S301 (2004) arxiv.0212419.


  1. Zero-temperature damping of Bose-Einstein condensate oscillations by vortex-antivortex pair creation
    Fedichev, Petr O.; Fischer, Uwe R. and Recati, Alessio
    Physical Review A 68 011602 (2003) arxiv.0301397.
  2. Fermi one-dimensional quantum gas: Luttinger liquid approach and spin charge separation
    Recati, A; Fedichev, P O; Zwerger, W and Zoller, P
    Journal Of Optics B: Quantum And Semiclassical Optics 5 S55 (2003) arxiv.0212195.
  3. Spin-Charge Separation in Ultracold Quantum Gases
    Recati, A.; Fedichev, P. O.; Zwerger, W. and Zoller, P.
    Physical Review Letters 90 020401 (2003) arxiv.0206424.


  1. Holonomic quantum computation with neutral atoms
    Recati, A.; Calarco, T.; Zanardi, P.; Cirac, J. I. and Zoller, P.
    Physical Review A 66 032309 (2002) arxiv.0204030.


  1. Overcritical Rotation of a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate
    Recati, A.; Zambelli, F. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 86 377 (2001) arxiv.0007152.