Analog Hawking radiation from a spin-sonic horizon in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate Berti, Anna; Fernandes, Lennart; Butera, Salvatore Giulio; Recati, Alessio; Wauters, Michiel and Carusotto, Iacopo
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Anomalous Doppler effect in superfluid and supersolid atomic gases Zawiślak, Tomasz; Šindik, Marija; Stringari, Sandro and Recati, Alessio
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Decoherence and Momentum Relaxation in Fermi-Polaron Rabi Dynamics: A Kinetic Equation Approach Wasak, Tomasz; Sighinolfi, Matteo; Lang, Johannes; Piazza, Francesco and Recati, Alessio
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Creation and robustness of quantized vortices in a dipolar supersolid when crossing the superfluid-to-supersolid transition Šindik, Marija; Recati, Alessio; Roccuzzo, Santo Maria; Santos, Luis and Stringari, Sandro
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Observation of Massless and Massive Collective Excitations with Faraday Patterns in a Two-Component Superfluid Cominotti, R.; Berti, A.; Farolfi, A.; Zenesini, A.; Lamporesi, G.; Carusotto, I.; Recati, A. and Ferrari, G.
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Stochastic dynamics and bound states of heavy impurities in a Fermi bath Sighinolfi, Matteo; De Boni, Davide; Roggero, Alessandro; Garberoglio, Giovanni; Faccioli, Pietro and Recati, Alessio
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Quantum Gutzwiller approach for the two-component Bose-Hubbard model Colussi, Victor; Caleffi, Fabio; Menotti, Chiara and Recati, Alessio
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Detection of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition via Generative Adversarial Networks Contessi, Daniele; Ricci, Elisa; Recati, Alessio and Rizzi, Matteo
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Quantum-torque-induced breaking of magnetic interfaces in ultracold gases Farolfi, A.; Zenesini, A.; Trypogeorgos, D.; Mordini, C.; Gallemí, A.; Roy, A.; Recati, A.; Lamporesi, G. and Ferrari, G.
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Bragg scattering of an ultracold dipolar gas across the phase transition from Bose-Einstein condensate to supersolid in the free-particle regime Petter, D.; Patscheider, A.; Natale, G.; Mark, M. J.; Baranov, M. A.; van Bijnen, R.; Roccuzzo, S. M.; Recati, A.; Blakie, B.; Baillie, D.; Chomaz, L. and Ferlaino, F.
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Manipulation of an elongated internal Josephson junction of bosonic atoms Farolfi, A.; Zenesini, A.; Cominotti, R.; Trypogeorgos, D.; Recati, A.; Lamporesi, G. and Ferrari, G.
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Quantum fluctuations beyond the Gutzwiller approximation in the Bose-Hubbard model Caleffi, Fabio; Capone, Massimo; Menotti, Chiara; Carusotto, Iacopo and Recati, Alessio
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Supersolid symmetry breaking from compressional oscillations in a dipolar quantum gas Tanzi, L.; Roccuzzo, S. M.; Lucioni, E.; Famà, F.; Fioretti, A.; Gabbanini, C.; Modugno, G.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
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Decay of the relative phase domain wall into confined vortex pairs: The case of a coherently coupled bosonic mixture Gallemí, A.; Pitaevskii, L. P.; Stringari, S. and Recati, A.
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Collisions of Self-Bound Quantum Droplets Ferioli, Giovanni; Semeghini, Giulia; Masi, Leonardo; Giusti, Giovanni; Modugno, Giovanni; Inguscio, Massimo; Gallemí, Albert; Recati, Alessio and Fattori, Marco
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Simulation of two-boson bound states using arrays of driven-dissipative coupled linear optical resonators Gorlach, Maxim A.; Di Liberto, Marco; Recati, Alessio; Carusotto, Iacopo; Poddubny, Alexander N. and Menotti, Chiara
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Magnetic defects in an imbalanced mixture of two Bose-Einstein condensates Gallemí, Albert; Pitaevskii, L P; Stringari, Sandro and Recati, Alessio
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Exploring the ferromagnetic behaviour of a repulsive Fermi gas through spin dynamics Valtolina, G.; Scazza, F.; Amico, A.; Burchianti, A.; Recati, A.; Enss, T.; Inguscio, M.; Zaccanti, M. and Roati, G.
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Repulsive Fermi Polarons in a Resonant Mixture of Ultracold Li 6 Atoms Scazza, F.; Valtolina, G.; Massignan, P.; Recati, A.; Amico, A.; Burchianti, A.; Fort, C.; Inguscio, M.; Zaccanti, M. and Roati, G.
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Confinement and precession of vortex pairs in coherently coupled Bose-Einstein condensates Tylutki, Marek; Pitaevskii, Lev P; Recati, Alessio and Stringari, Sandro
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Dipolar-induced resonance for ultracold bosons in a quasi-one-dimensional optical lattice Bartolo, N.; Papoular, D. J.; Barbiero, L.; Menotti, C. and Recati, A.
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Density correlations and analog dynamical Casimir emission of Bogoliubov phonons in modulated atomic Bose-Einstein condensates Carusotto, Iacopo; Balbinot, Roberto; Fabbri, Alessandro and Recati, Alessio
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Numerical observation of Hawking radiation from acoustic black holes in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates Carusotto, Iacopo; Fagnocchi, Serena; Recati, Alessio; Balbinot, Roberto and Fabbri, Alessandro
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Non-local density correlations as signal of Hawking radiation in BEC acoustic black holes Balbinot, Roberto; Fabbri, Alessandro; Fagnocchi, Serena; Recati, Alessio and Carusotto, Iacopo
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