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Bose-Einstein Condensation

Trento, Italy

Publications @ BEC










  1. Quantum Droplets in Two-Dimensional Bose Mixtures at Finite Temperature
    Spada, G.; Pilati, S. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 133 083401 (2024) arxiv.2405.09368.
  2. Superfluidity and sound propagation in disordered Bose gases
    Geier, Kevin T.; Maki, Jeff; Biella, Alberto; Dalfovo, Franco; Giorgini, Stefano and Stringari, Sandro
    Arxiv None None (2024) arxiv.2407.17558.


  1. Phase separation in binary Bose mixtures at finite temperature
    Spada, Gabriele; Parisi, Luca; Pascual, Gerard; Parker, Nicholas G.; Billam, Thomas P.; Pilati, Sebastiano; Boronat, Jordi and Giorgini, Stefano
    Scipost Physics 15 171 (2023) arxiv.2211.09574.
  2. Attractive Solution of Binary Bose Mixtures: Liquid-Vapor Coexistence and Critical Point
    Spada, G.; Pilati, S. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 131 173404 (2023) arxiv.2304.12334.
  3. Thermally induced local imbalance in repulsive binary Bose mixtures
    Pascual, G.; Spada, G.; Pilati, S.; Giorgini, S. and Boronat, J.
    Physical Review Research 5 L032041 (2023) arxiv.2302.13659.


  1. Path-Integral Monte Carlo Worm Algorithm for Bose Systems with Periodic Boundary Conditions
    Spada, Gabriele; Giorgini, Stefano and Pilati, Sebastiano
    Condensed Matter 7 30 (2022) arxiv.2203.00010.
  2. Thermodynamics of a dilute Bose gas: A path-integral Monte Carlo study
    Spada, G.; Pilati, S. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 105 013325 (2022) arxiv.2110.00283.


  1. Thermodynamics of dilute Bose gases: Beyond mean-field theory for binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensate
    Ota, Miki and Giorgini, Stefano
    Physical Review A 102 18 (2020) arxiv.2008.05246.
  2. Quantum droplets in one-dimensional Bose mixtures: A quantum Monte Carlo study
    Parisi, L. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 102 023318 (2020) arxiv.2003.05231.
  3. Strong coupling Bose polarons in a two-dimensional gas
    Ardila, L. A. Peña; Astrakharchik, G. E. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Research 2 023405 (2020) arxiv.1907.01533.


  1. Magnetic Phase Transition in a Mixture of Two Interacting Superfluid Bose Gases at Finite Temperature
    Ota, Miki; Giorgini, Stefano and Stringari, Sandro
    Physical Review Letters 123 075301 (2019) arxiv.1812.07411.
  2. Two-dimensional repulsive Fermi polarons with short- and long-range interactions
    Bombín, Raúl; Comparin, Tommaso; Bertaina, Gianluca; Mazzanti, Ferran; Giorgini, Stefano and Boronat, Jordi
    Physical Review A 100 023608 (2019) arxiv.1905.10125.
  3. Analyzing a Bose polaron across resonant interactions
    Peña Ardila, L. A.; Jørgensen, N. B.; Pohl, T.; Giorgini, S.; Bruun, G. M. and Arlt, J. J.
    Physical Review A 99 063607 (2019) arxiv.1812.04609.
  4. Liquid State of One-Dimensional Bose Mixtures: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study
    Parisi, L.; Astrakharchik, G. E. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 122 105302 (2019) arxiv.1810.07950.


  1. Spin Dynamics and Andreev-Bashkin Effect in Mixtures of One-Dimensional Bose Gases
    Parisi, L.; Astrakharchik, G. E. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 121 025302 (2018) arxiv.1801.03446.


  1. Quantum Monte Carlo study of the Bose-polaron problem in a one-dimensional gas with contact interactions
    Parisi, L. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 95 023619 (2017) arxiv.1612.01322.


  1. Bose polaron problem: Effect of mass imbalance on binding energy
    Ardila, L. A. Peña and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 94 063640 (2016) arxiv.1610.02203.


  1. Impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate: Study of the attractive and repulsive branch using quantum Monte Carlo methods
    Ardila, L. A. Peña and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 92 033612 (2015) arxiv.1507.07427.
  2. Variational Monte Carlo study of soliton excitations in hard-sphere Bose gases
    Rota, R and Giorgini, S
    Physical Review A 92 5 (2015) arxiv.1506.02970.


  1. Fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo study of the BCS-BEC crossover in a bilayer system of fermionic dipoles
    Matveeva, N. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 90 053620 (2014) arxiv.1405.7588.
  2. Single-particle versus pair superfluidity in a bilayer system of dipolar bosons
    Macia, A.; Astrakharchik, G. E.; Mazzanti, F.; Giorgini, S. and Boronat, J.
    Physical Review A 90 043623 (2014) arxiv.1407.6805.
  3. Many-body Bose systems and the hard-sphere model: dynamic properties from the weak to the strong interaction regime
    Rota, R; Tramonto, F; Galli, D E and Giorgini, S
    17Th International Conference On Recent Progress In Many-Body Theories (Mbt17) 8–13 September 2013, Rostock, Germany 529 012022 (2014)


  1. Quantum Monte Carlo study of the dynamic structure factor in the gas and crystal phase of hard-sphere bosons
    Rota, R.; Tramonto, F.; Galli, D. E. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review B 88 214505 (2013) arxiv.1310.1753.
  2. Impurity Problem in a Bilayer System of Dipoles
    Matveeva, N. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 111 220405 (2013) arxiv.1306.5588.
  3. Quantum Monte Carlo Study of a Resonant Bose-Fermi Mixture
    Bertaina, G.; Fratini, E.; Giorgini, S. and Pieri, P.
    Physical Review Letters 110 115303 (2013)


  1. Liquid and Crystal Phases of Dipolar Fermions in Two Dimensions
    Matveeva, N. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 109 200401 (2012) arxiv.1206.3904.
  2. Stability of resonantly interacting heavy-light Fermi mixtures
    Astrakharchik, G. E.; Giorgini, S. and Boronat, J.
    Physical Review B 86 174518 (2012) arxiv.1207.2356.


  1. BCS-BEC Crossover in a Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas
    Bertaina, G. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 106 110403 (2011) arxiv.1011.3737.
  2. Fermi-Liquid Behavior of the Normal Phase of a Strongly Interacting Gas of Cold Atoms
    Nascimbene, S; Navon, N; Pilati, S; Chevy, F; Giorgini, S; Georges, A and Salomon, C
    Physical Review Letters 106 4 (2011) arxiv.1012.4664.


  1. Dilute Bose gas with correlated disorder: a path integral Monte Carlo study
    Pilati, S; Giorgini, S; Modugno, M and Prokof'ev, N
    New Journal Of Physics 12 073003 (2010) arxiv.1002.3704.
  2. Itinerant Ferromagnetism of a Repulsive Atomic Fermi Gas: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study
    Pilati, S.; Bertaina, G.; Giorgini, S. and Troyer, M.
    Physical Review Letters 105 030405 (2010) arxiv.1004.1169.
  3. The Beliaev technique for a weakly interacting Bose gas
    Capogrosso-Sansone, B; Giorgini, S; Pilati, S; Pollet, L; Prokof'ev, N; Svistunov, B and Troyer, M
    New Journal Of Physics 12 043010 (2010) arxiv.0911.5383.


  1. Density profiles of polarized Fermi gases confined in harmonic traps
    Bertaina, G. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 79 013616 (2009) arxiv.0811.1873.
  2. Superfluid transition in a Bose gas with correlated disorder
    Pilati, S; Giorgini, S and Prokof’ev, N
    Physical Review Letters 102 5 (2009) arxiv.0902.0696.


  1. Theory of ultracold Fermi gases
    Giorgini, Stefano; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Reviews Of Modern Physics 80 1215 (2008) arxiv.0706.3360.
  2. Critical temperature of interacting Bose gases in two and three dimensions
    Pilati, S.; Giorgini, S. and Prokof'ev, N.
    Physical Review Letters 100 140405 (2008) arxiv.0801.3424.
  3. Phase separation in a polarized Fermi gas at zero temperature
    Pilati, S. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 100 030401 (2008) arxiv.0710.1549.


  1. Normal state of a polarized Fermi gas at unitarity
    Lobo, C.; Recati, A.; Giorgini, S. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 97 200403 (2006) arxiv.0607730.
  2. Equation of state of an interacting Bose gas at finite temperature: a Path Integral Monte Carlo study
    Pilati, S.; Sakkos, K.; Boronat, J.; Casulleras, J. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 74 043621 (2006) arxiv.0607721.
  3. Molecular signatures in the structure factor of an interacting Fermi gas
    Combescot, R; Giorgini, S and Stringari, S
    Europhysics Letters (Epl) 75 695 (2006) arxiv.0512048.
  4. Pair Correlations of an Expanding Superfluid Fermi Gas
    Lobo, C.; Carusotto, I.; Giorgini, S.; Recati, A. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 97 100405 (2006) arxiv.0604282.
  5. Released Momentum Distribution of a Fermi Gas in the BCS-BEC Crossover
    Chiofalo, M. L.; Giorgini, S. and Holland, M.
    Physical Review Letters 97 070404 (2006) arxiv.0512460.
  6. Correlation functions of a Lieb-Liniger Bose gas
    Astrakharchik, G. E. and Giorgini, S.
    Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 39 S1 (2006) arxiv.0510463.
  7. Quantum Monte Carlo Study of the Ground‐State Properties of a Fermi Gas in the BCS‐BEC Crossover
    Giorgini, S; J. Casulleras; J. Boronat and G. E. Astrakharchik
    Aip Conference Proceedings 869 10 (2006)


  1. Momentum Distribution and Condensate Fraction of a Fermion Gas in the BCS-BEC Crossover
    Astrakharchik, G. E.; Boronat, J.; Casulleras, J. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 95 230405 (2005) arxiv.0507483.
  2. Momentum Distribution of a Fermi Gas of Atoms in the BCS-BEC Crossover
    Regal, C. A.; Greiner, M.; Giorgini, S.; Holland, M. and Jin, D. S.
    Physical Review Letters 95 250404 (2005) arxiv.0507316.
  3. Beyond the Tonks-Girardeau Gas: Strongly Correlated Regime in Quasi-One-Dimensional Bose Gases
    Astrakharchik, G. E.; Boronat, J.; Casulleras, J. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review Letters 95 190407 (2005) arxiv.0405225.
  4. Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of a two-dimensional Bose gas
    Pilati, S.; Boronat, J.; Casulleras, J. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 71 023605 (2005) arxiv.0411049.


  1. Equation of State of a Fermi Gas in the BEC-BCS Crossover: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study
    Astrakharchik, G. E.; Boronat, J.; Casulleras, J. and Giorgini, and S.
    Physical Review Letters 93 200404 (2004) arxiv.0406113.
  2. Interacting Fermions in Highly Elongated Harmonic Traps
    Astrakharchik, G. E.; Blume, D.; Giorgini, S. and Pitaevskii, L. P.
    Physical Review Letters 93 050402 (2004) arxiv.0312538.
  3. Quantum Monte Carlo study of quasi-one-dimensional Bose gases
    Astrakharchik, G E; Blume, D; Giorgini, S and Granger, B E
    Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 37 S205 (2004) arxiv.0310749.
  4. Momentum distribution of a trapped Fermi gas with large scattering length
    Viverit, L.; Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L.P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 69 013607 (2004) arxiv.0307538.
  5. Quasi-One-Dimensional Bose Gases with a Large Scattering Length
    Astrakharchik, G. E.; Blume, D.; Giorgini, S. and Granger, B. E.
    Physical Review Letters 92 030402 (2004) arxiv.0308585.


  1. Correlation functions and momentum distribution of one-dimensional Bose systems
    Astrakharchik, G. E. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 68 031602 (2003) arxiv.0212512.


  1. Critical temperature of Bose Einstein condensation in trapped atomic Bose Fermi mixtures
    Albus, A P; Giorgini, S; Illuminati, F and Viverit, L
    Journal Of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics 35 L511 (2002) arxiv.0210339.
  2. Ground-state properties of a dilute Bose-Fermi mixture
    Viverit, L. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 66 063604 (2002) arxiv.0207260.
  3. Quantum Monte Carlo study of the three- to one-dimensional crossover for a trapped Bose gas
    Astrakharchik, G. E. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 66 053614 (2002) arxiv.0207613.
  4. Superfluidity versus Bose-Einstein condensation in a Bose gas with disorder
    Astrakharchik, G. E.; Boronat, J.; Casulleras, J. and Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 66 023603 (2002) arxiv.0111165.


  1. Adiabatic compression of a trapped Fermi gas
    Viverit, L.; Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 63 033603 (2001) arxiv.0005517.


  1. Collisionless dynamics of dilute Bose gases: Role of quantum and thermal fluctuations
    Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 61 063615 (2000)


  1. Ground state of a homogeneous Bose gas: A diffusion Monte Carlo calculation
    Giorgini, S.; Boronat, J. and Casulleras, J.
    Physical Review A 60 5129 (1999) arxiv.9902185.
  2. Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases
    Dalfovo, Franco; Giorgini, Stefano; Pitaevskii, Lev P. and Stringari, Sandro
    Reviews Of Modern Physics 71 463 (1999) arxiv.9806038.


  1. Anomalous Fluctuations of the Condensate in Interacting Bose Gases
    Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 80 5040 (1998) arxiv.9711065.
  2. Damping in dilute Bose gases: A mean-field approach
    Giorgini, S.
    Physical Review A 57 2949 (1998) arxiv.9709259.


  1. Collective and single-particle excitations of a trapped Bose gas
    Dalfovo, F.; Giorgini, S.; Guilleumas, M.; Pitaevskii, L. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 56 3840 (1997) arxiv.9705240.
  2. Thermodynamics of a trapped Bose-condensed gas
    Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Journal Of Low Temperature Physics 109 309 (1997) arxiv.9704014.
  3. Scaling and Thermodynamics of a Trapped Bose-Condensed Gas
    Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review Letters 78 3987 (1997) arxiv.9612192.


  1. Condensate fraction and critical temperature of a trapped interacting Bose gas
    Giorgini, S.; Pitaevskii, L. P. and Stringari, S.
    Physical Review A 54 R4633 (1996) arxiv.9607117.
  2. Vortex Excitation in Superfluid 4 He : A Diffusion Monte Carlo Study
    Giorgini, S.; Boronat, J. and Casulleras, J.
    Physical Review Letters 77 2754 (1996) arxiv.9606110.