QFS2004 is an international symposium devoted to traditional topics of liquid and solid 4He, 3He, 3He-4He mixtures, Hydrogen, confined fermionic and bosonic gases, and other systems that exhibit long-range quantum order and quantum coherence. Emphasis is given to novel experimental techniques and recent theoretical advances. The meeting is a continuation of a long series of symposia, started in Sanibel (Florida) in 1975. The last editions were held at Konstanz and Albuquerque. QFS2004 will be hosted by the University of Trento.
The format developed for the QFS conferences (invited talks, contributed papers, posters, no parallel sessions) will be followed. Oral presentations will include invited talks (35 min, including discussion) and contributed talks (20 min, including discussion). Most of the contributed papers will be presented as posters. There is no distinction in importance between posters and oral presentations. The presentation style that appear best suited for the material and the program will be chosen by the program committee. All authors are warmly encouraged to write a paper for the Proceedings. Refereed papers will be published as one or two special issues of the Journal of Low Temperature Physics.
External organizing committee:
Robert Duncan, Robert Hallock, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Paul Leiderer, Horst Meyer, George Pickett, William Zimmerman.
Program advisory committee:
Luciano Reatto (chair), Guenter Ahlers, Alex Babkin, Sebastien Balibar, Moses Chan, Eric Cornell, Vladimir Dmitriev, Georg Eska, Stefano Fantoni, Alexander Fetter, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Simo Jaakkola, Reyer Jochemsen, Matti Krusius, Michele Leduc, David M. Lee, Tony Leggett, Paul Leiderer, Takao Mizusaki, Douglas Osheroff, Richard Packard, Jeevak Parpia, Alexander Parshin, Lev Pitaevskii, John Saunders, Gora Shlyapnikov, Peter Taborek, Makoto Tsubota, Jook Walraven, Etienne Wolf, Adrian Wyatt.
Local organizing committee:
Franco Dalfovo (Symposium chair), Luciano Reatto (Program chair), Francesco Pederiva (Publication chair and Guest Editor), Lev Pitaevskii, Sandro Stringari, Stefano Vitale.
February 15 | registration begins |
March 26 | deadline for requests of financial aid |
April 16 | deadline for receipt of abstract |
June 4 | deadline for registration and receipt of manuscripts |
July 4 | arrival and reception |
July 5 | opening session |
Scientific program
The scientific program will start on Monday 5 July at 9 am. It will end on Friday 9th July at 4.30 pm. We plan to organize about 17 plenary sessions, typically with 3 talks each. The detailed program will be provided at the beginning of June. Posters will be presented for the full duration of the conference with an extended poster session.
Invited speakers
Francesco Ancilotto, Gordon Baym, Rob Blaauwgeers, Roger Bowley, Moses Chan, Frederic Chevy, Brian Cowan, Vladimir Dmitriev, Vladimir Eltsov, Igor Fomin, Chiara Fort, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Andrei Golov, Rudi Grimm, Zoran Hadzibabic, Murray Holland, Yuri Kivshar, Michael Koehl, Ulf Israelsson, Yoonseok Lee, Andrew MacKenzie, Yury Mukharsky, Jeevak Parpia, Alexander Parshin, Steve Rolston, Keiya Shirahama, Makoto Tsubota, Vladimir Tsymbalenko, Claus Zimmermann.
Quantum solids and crystal growth; Helium in porous media; 3He in aerogel; Bulk liquid helium and mixtures; Low D and confined systems; Rotations, vortices and turbolence; Nonlinear phenomena; Fermions and unconventional order parameters; New techniques and applications; Magnetism in quantum fluids and solids.
Social program
On Sunday, 4 July, from approximately 7 pm to 9 pm, all participants are kindly invited to a welcome reception. Drinks and light hors d'oeuvres will be served. No additional fee is required. The Symposium Banquet will be held at the Grand Hotel Trento, on Tuesday, 6 July, at approximately 8 pm to 10 pm. Tickets are required. The cost is 35 euro per person. Excursions for participants and accompanying persons will be arranged. Information will be given in due time.
A registration form is available. The registration fee is 240 euro before 16 April and 280 euro after 16 April. This fee includes access to conference sessions, lunches on-site (Mon-Fri), coffee-breaks, Sunday evening reception, one copy each of the Program/Abstracts book and the Journal of Low Temperature Physics volume containing the Proceedings. Payment may be made by credit cards (Visa or Mastercard) or Bank Transfer. Deadline for registration is 4 June 2004!
Call for Abstracts
QFS2004 presenters are required to submit an abstract by 16 April 2004. An appropriate form will be available for web-based submission. Abstracts received after the deadline might be included in the program at the discretion of the Program Chair. A Program/Abstracts Book, including all abstracts of posters and talks presented by registered participants, will be distributed at check-in for QFS2004. Acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee the acceptance of the associated full paper in the special issue(s) of the Journal of Low Temperature Physics containing the symposium Proceedings.
Financial support
The organizers have limited funds to provide financial aid for participants with no other form of support. These funds will be used to help cover the registration and lodging. If you wish to apply, fill the appropriate fields in the registration form and send it before 26 March 2004. The financial assistance commitments will be made on or before 16 April. A message will be sent with the notification of the financial aid status. The level of support to be provided will depend upon the number of requests and the total amount of funds available. All people requesting financial aid are expected to have submitted an abstract on their original research for presentation at QFS2004.
To avoid any incidents of visas being refused or unduly delayed, we remind that visas should be applied for very early, at least three months before the conference!
Participants must make their own reservations by sending an e-mail or fax to the chosen hotel. Changes in the arrival and departure dates or information concerning the time of arrival must be sent to the hotel directly. A list of hotels is given in the "accommodation" page of the QFS2004 web site. Click on the name of the hotel to get more infos (number of rooms, location, distance from the conference site, etc.), as well as to download the appropriate reservation form. Prices are per room, apart from the Youth Hostel (Ostello), where prices are per person. Breakfast and taxes are included. Those who want a cheap accomodation might find convenient to share a double or triple room with other QFS participants. In this case, please contact the preferred room-mate(s) and make your reservation together. Special fares are applied thanks to an agreement between the University of Trento and the hotels. A number of rooms have been reserved in some hotels for QFS participants. Each hotel has its own reservation deadline, which we kindly ask you to pay attention to. More rooms will likely be available, at the same price, also after the deadline, as well as in the hotels with no rooms specially reserved for QFS, but we kindly ask you to make your reservation well in advance. Please be aware that July is tourist season in Trento.
The organizers of QFS2004 are very grateful to the following co-sponsors for their support of the Symposium:
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Site location
Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara Transportation The conference site and all hotels, except Hotel Adige, are in Trento downtown. If you have a car, just park it at your hotel. Then walk or use public buses. In the map on the left, the typical walking distance between marks (Station, Duomo, Castello, S.Chiara) is 10 minutes, except for Station-S.Chiara which is about 15-20 minutes. The town has an efficient urban travel system run by "Trentino Trasporti". If you visit the Trentino Trasporti office at the main railway station, you can pick up a free timetable "Guida ai trasporti del Trentino". Bus tickets cost 0.80 euro each and can be bought at the railway station or at any "Tabacchi" or newspaper shops. Taxis can be hailed from anywhere in town or booked through the phone (0461 930002). Weather in Trento The average July temperature is between 22 and 24 °C with the normal humidity of about 50%. Minimum and maximum temperatures can be about 15 - 18 °C and 28 - 32 °C, respectively. |
Symposium chairman:
Franco Dalfovo |
Program chairman:
Luciano Reatto |
Publication chairman:
Francesco Pederiva |
Symposium Secretariat:
University of Trento |