Archive of Talks
Immanuel Bloch
(Mainz): "
Fermionizing Bosons in Optical Lattice Potentials
Ignacio Cirac
(MPI, Garching): "
Bosonic and Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattices
Roland Combescot
(ENS, Paris): "
Molecular Bound State and BCS Instability in Atomic Fermi Gases with Feshbach Resonance
Tilman Esslinger
(Zürich): "
Transition from a Strongly Interacting 1D Superfluid to a Mott Insulator State
Rudi Grimm
(Innsbruck): "
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Li-6 Molecules: First Experiments in the BEC-BCS Crossover Regime
Duncan Haldane
(Princeton): "
Feshbach Resonances in Rotating Fermi and Bose Condensates
Murray Holland
(Boulder): "
A Theory of Resonant Interactions in Dilute Quantum Gases
Deborah Jin
(Boulder): "
Making Condensates with a Fermi Gas of Atoms
Maxim Kagan
(IPP, Moscow): "
Two-particle Pairing and Creation of Composite Fermions in Fermi-Bose Mixtures
Hidetoshi Katori
(Tokyo): "
Ultracold Fermions: Application to Ultrastable Optical Clock
Wolfgang Ketterle
(MIT, Cambridge): "
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Lithium Molecules and Studies of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas
Tony Leggett
(Urbana): "
Some General Considerations Regarding the Dilute Degenerate Alkali Gases
Maciej Lewenstein
(Hannover): "
Three Challenges of AMO Physics: From Bose-Fermi Mixtures to Quantum Spin Glasses and Quantum Spin Liquids
Giovanni Modugno
(Firenze): "
Fermi Gases in Optical Lattices
Yoji Ohashi
(Tsukuba): "
Single-Particle Excitations and Collective Modes in a Trapped Fermi Gas Near a Feshbach Resonance
Chris Pethick
(NORDITA, Copenhagen): "
Properties of Fermi Gases with Resonant Interactions
Christophe Salomon
(ENS, Paris): "
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Li-6 Fermion Dimers Near a Feshbach Resonance
Gora Shlyapnikov
(AMOLF, Amsterdam):
Superfluid Pairing in Ultracold Fermi Gases
Henk Stoof
(Utrecht): "
Kondo Physics and the BEC-BCS Crossover
Sandro Stringari
(Trento): "
Collective Oscillations in a Trapped Superfluid Fermi Gas
John Thomas
(Durham): "
Hydrodynamics of a Degenerate, Strongly-Interacting Fermi Gas
Wilhelm Zwerger
(Innsbruck): "
BCS-BEC Crossover: Basics and an Exact Solution in 1D