Second Announcement

Second International Workshop
"Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence"
Levico (Trento, Italy), June 12-14, 2003

Sponsored by:

European Science Foundation,
Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia - Research
and Development Center on Bose-Einstein Condensation (Trento).

Dear Colleague,

with this message we call for registration and abstract submission for the Levico-BEC workshop.

In this message you will find:

* some general informations on the workshop
* the address of the home page of the Workshop where you can register and send us the title and abstract of your contribution.


Overview talks will be given by invited "Senior" scientists to open each of the sessions. Specialized talks will be given by invited "Young" researchers.
All other participants are encouraged to present a poster contribution.


The conference will begin in the morning of Thursday, June 12th, and will end in the evening of Saturday, June 14th, 2003.


The deadline for registration and abstract submission is March 31, 2003.
The number of participants is fixed around 80. Applicants will receive notice that their application has been accepted before April 14, 2003.


There will be no conference fee.


The organization will reimbourse lodging expenses for all participants.
Travel expenses will be covered upon request, depending on the available budget.


The workshop will take place at Grand Hotel Bellavista in Levico (Trento, Italy)

Viale Vittorio Emanuele III, 7
38056 Levico Terme (Trento, Italy)
Tel.: +39-0461-706136
Fax.: +39-0461-706474

The participants will be hosted in Grand Hotel Bellavista in Levico. Accomodation for young participants is planned to be in double rooms. Single rooms are available upon request and payment of a supplement (not covered by the organization). Reservation of rooms will be made directly by the organization.


List of sessions and list of confirmed speakers:

- Sessions:
1) Fundamental aspects of Bose-Einstein Condensation
2) Rotational properties, vortices and topological structures
3) Low-dimensional systems
4) Transport and coherence phenomena in optical lattices
5) Fermi systems and Bose-Fermi mixtures

There will be also a poster session.

- Confirmed "Senior" Lecturers:
Allan Griffin (U. Toronto)
Jean Dalibard (ENS, Paris)
Maxim Olshanii (U. California)
Wilhelm Zwerger (U. Munich)

- Confirmed "Young" Speakers:
D. Blume (U. Washington, US)
M. Cazalilla (ICTP, Trieste, I)
R. Duine (U. Utrecht, NL)
P. Engels (JILA, Boulder, US)
D. Gangardt (ENS, Paris, FR)
B. Jackson (BEC-INFM, Trento, Italy)
D. Jaksch (U. Oxford, UK)
S. Kokkelmans (ENS, Paris, FR)
G. Modugno (LENS, Florence, I)
M. Modugno (LENS, Florence, I)
E. Mueller (U. Ohio, US)
B. Paredes (Munich, D)
L. Pricoupenko (U. Paris, FR)
R. Roth (TU. Darmstadt, D)
F. Toschi (Roma, I)

REGISTRATION All participants (including "Senior" and "Young" speakers) should fill the registration form which you can find at the following address:

Applicants will receive acknowledgement of registration.

ABSTRACTS Young speakers and poster authors are invited to send us title and abstract of their contributions by filling in the form for abstract submission at the end of the registration form.
The abstracts will be included in the booklet of the Workshop.


We have an agreement with the Editor of Journal of Physics B : Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Prof. Keith Burnett, to have the contributions presented at the Workshop considered for publication in a dedicated section of the Journal, due to be published in 2004.

Deadline for paper submissions: October 31, 2003 More informations and details of paper submission can be found at:


Updated informations concerning the workshop can be found at the web site

On behalf of the organizers:

Stefano Giorgini (,
Fabrizio Illuminati (,
Chiara Menotti (,
Anna Minguzzi (