First Announcement

Second International Workshop
"Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence"
Levico (Trento, Italy), June 12-14, 2003

Sponsored by:

European Science Foundation,
Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia - Research
and Development Center on Bose-Einstein Condensation (Trento).

Dear Colleague,

we are presently organizing the second edition of the Workshop "Theory of quantum gases and quantum coherence". The Workshop will be held in Levico (Trento, Italy) next year (June 12th through June 14th).

The intended topics for discussion are:

  1. Fundamental aspects of Bose-Einstein Condensation;
  2. Rotational properties, vortices, topological structures;
  3. Low dimensional systems;
  4. Transport and coherence phenomena in optical lattices;
  5. Fermi systems and Bose-Fermi mixtures.

The Workshop is particularly intended to get together "young" researchers (at the level of PhD students, Postdocs and junior research associates) and is aimed to favour discussions and exchanges between scientists coming from different areas of physics: Condensed Matter, Quantum Optics, Atomic and Molecular Physics.

Each session of the Workshop is organized with an "Overview Talk" by a "senior" scientist expert in the field, providing a general overview of the subject, followed by talks of "young" scientists on topics of current research. Although the focus will be mainly on theory, we plan to host some talks on current experiments as well. A poster session will also be organized.

The preliminary programme and preliminary list of speakers will be made available in a forthcoming second announcement.

There will be no conference fee. Full lodging will be provided to all participants. Only limited financial support for travel expenses will be available.

In the meantime we would appreciate if you could be so kind to spread and/or forward this notice to anyone who you believe might be interested.

For further information and to be included in the mailing list for the forthcoming announcements please write to:

The home page of the Workshop will be soon available at:

On behalf of the organizers:

Stefano Giorgini (,
Fabrizio Illuminati (,
Chiara Menotti (,
Anna Minguzzi (