%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% %%%%% LaTeX TEMPLATE FOR THE BOOK OF ABSTRACTS %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TITLE OF THE CONTRIBUTION WRITTEN IN CAPITAL LETTERS First Author$^{1}$ and Second Author$^{2}$ $^1$ Affiliation of the First Author, Address of his Institution, City, Country $^2$ Affiliation of the Second Author, Address of his Institution, City, Country The various contributions will be inserted in the programme booklet. The booklet will be written in LaTeX, following a unified style. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to avoid the use of different formats, such as Word, Word Perfect, or others. Please avoid the use of macros and special definitions for fonts and mathematical expressions. The text of the Abstract must be short. Please do not insert figures and try to limit the use of mathematical formulas. Title, Authors, Addresses, Abstract and References must not exceed one printed page. For instance, a reasonable size of the Abstract's text could be something around 20 lines, each made of about 80 characters. Contributions should be sent via E-Mail to bec2002@science.unitn.it before Monday, June 10. Thank you very much in advance for your collaboration. % References: References: \item[1.] A. Name1 and B. Name2, {\sl Journal} {\bf 99}, 1001 (2002). \item[2.] C. Name3 {\it et al.}, {\sl Title of Book}, (Editions, City, 1975).